Page 46 - European Energy Innovation - autumn 2017 publication
P. 46
46 Autumn 2017 European Energy Innovation
Power sector determined to lead
the energy transition
Enel, Vattenfall, Ibedrola, SSE, As the power sector seeks to as automotive, construction and ICT
Innogy, EDP, DONG Energy. tackle technological disruption, to create value to society outside our
Across the continent, the decentralisation and carbon constraints, traditional boundaries.
utilities are investing billions it will focus on three key approaches:
in new and clean energy. People EMBRACING THE FUTURE
today want clean energy and power CHANGING THE MINDSET Creating long-term value for
companies are determined to deliver. A new mindset is needed to maximise companies, stakeholders and overall
Electricity will play a key role in solving the environmental and social value that society is a core task for utilities.
some of the toughest challenges of electricity brings to society. The sector The sector must therefore reinforce
our times. It will help decarbonise the will need to be proactive in its effort value-chain synergies and promote
economy, reduce pollution in cities to stay at the forefront of the energy the establishment of market rules
and ensure that we use energy more transition. that enable medium to long term
efficiently in buildings and transport. investment decisions.
The sector will seek to engage openly
The electricity sector must seize this with technology providers, customers, In this context, the acceleration of
opportunity and prepare for the future. cities, communities and other industries electrification, especially in transport
Led by Francesco Starace, CEO of involved in the energy transition. The and heating & cooling sectors is
the Enel Group, the Presidency team transformation we are facing runs extremely important. Electrification is
of EURELECTRIC, is determined to deep, Creating a more efficient energy key to building a low-carbon future and
sharpen the industry’s view of the system requires an unprecedented meeting the commitments pledged in
future, and the role that utilities will play level of collaboration and coordination the Paris Agreement on climate change.
in creating win-win solutions for the across industries and borders. The Electrification is also a key opportunity
energy system and to society as power sector will partner up as never to address serious concerns to
a whole. before with non-energy industries such society such as improving air quality,