Page 3 - European Energy Innovation - autumn 2018 publication
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Contents                                  Autumn 2018 European Energy Innovation  3


6 The future of fossil free transport     40 A new framework for renewable        6
     is not technology neutral,                energy in Europe for the coming    30
     Kathleen Van Brempt, Member               decade                             36
     of the European Parliament                Dirk Hendricks, Senior Policy      52
                                               Advisor, European Renewable
8 #EUSEW18, Leading the clean                  Energies Federation (EREF)
     energy transition
                                          42 European regions innovating on
12	 Electrification	through	                   sustainable battery solutions
     partnerships are key to reach             Professor Ulrich S. Schubert
     climate goals                             (CEEC Jena), Jan Post
     Magnus Hall, Vice President,              (AquaBattery) and Pirita
     Eurelectric                               Lindholm (ERRIN)

16 Rooftop PV and self consumption        46 A joined-up approach for ocean
     of	electricity	in	Europe,	benefits	       energy	in	the	next	financial	
     for the climate and local                 framework
     economies                                 Andreea Strachinescu, Head of
     Arnulf Jäger-Waldau, European             Unit, Directorate-General for
     Commission, Joint Research                Maritime Affairs and Fisheries,
     Centre                                    European Commission

22 Unleashing the power of Solar &        48 Ports are spiders in building the
     Storage                                   sustainable transport and energy
     Raffaele Rossi, Policy Analyst,           web
     SolarPower Europe                         Isabelle Ryckbost, Secretary
                                               General, European Seaports
24 Key European Solar Markets                  Organisation
     – Trends from the installers’
     perspective                          50 Shipping’s green transition
     Saif Islam, Senior Consultant,            Chris Knight, Senior Editor,
     EUPD Research Sustainable                 European Investment Bank
     Management GmbH
                                          52 Recharging Hydropower in Europe
30 New Danish Energy Agreement                 Hege Brende, Executive Director
     boosts renewable energy                   HydroCen, NTNU, Ole Gunnar
     Lars Christian Lilleholt, Danish          Dahlhaug, Professor, NTNU and
     Minister of Energy, Utilities and         Arne Nysveen, Professor, NTNU
                                          56 Paving the way to sustainable port
34 A Danish cure for Green Amnesia             management
     Morten Helveg Petersen MEP,               Dr. Matthäus Wuczkowski,
     Vice Chair, ITRE Committee                Niedersachsen Ports

36 Denmark – All in on renewables
     and	electrification
     Jan Hylleberg, CEO, Danish Wind
     Industry Association
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