Page 7 - European Energy Innovation - autumn 2018 publication
P. 7

Autumn 2018 European Energy Innovation        7

                                            FOSSIL FREE TRANSPORT

applications. Taking into account the   development of solid state batteries,         We’ll have to be bold and decisive in
limited availability of some advanced   work on strong battery product                imposing these measures. Otherwise,
biofuels, we must preserve them         requirements and a battery recycling          European manufacturers will continue
to decarbonise these modes of           program that keeps battery elements           to sell polluting cars in Europe while
transport that are more difficult to    in a closed loop within the EU.               developing and manufacturing the
electrify, like aviation, shipping and                                                cars of the future elsewhere.
long distance heavy duty transport.     We need industrial and trade policies
                                        to enable Europe to set up its own            European automakers are investing
Therefore, as policy makers we          sustainable battery production. A             seven times more in electrification
must do more than just setting          socially acceptable and just transition       in China than in Europe. If we are not
targets and lean back. We must          towards zero-emission mobility                creating a home market for these
foster policy scenarios that enable     by mid-century requires targeted              technologies, they will eventually
us to meet our climate objectives       programmes at Union, national and             be imported. This is the real risk to
and air quality standards whilst        regional levels for re-skilling, up-skilling  European jobs and competitiveness.
creating or preserving high quality     and redeployment of workers, as well          European policy makers and industry
jobs at the same time. In order to      as education and job-seeking initiatives      may not stand at the wrong side of
create a European value chain, we       in close dialogue with the social             history. We may not kill industry with
need to invest more in research and     partners, communities and regions.            kindness. l
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