Page 11 - European Energy Innovation - autumn 2018 publication
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Autumn 2018 European Energy Innovation 11
Europe’s islands – and many more. TAKE UP THE GAUNTLET AND LEAD So let’s act now! And see you at the
THE TRANSITION European Sustainable Energy Week
This year’s Networking Village #EUSEW18 may be over for another next year! l
featured a wealth of presentations year but the challenge on making the
and events including: the Energy necessary transition in our energy
Fair where 40 organisations hosted system remains. We must push
stands showing off their latest forward, and all of us can do our bit.
technological solutions and experts
presented their ideas during the 27 As Miriam Dalli MEP put it while Contact information
Energy Talks. New this year in the urging Member States also to act,
networking village was the Energy “be innovative for our climate, our For more information please
Lab, where nine people pitched children and our economy. Let’s visit EUSEW’s website
their projects to an expert panel of not just depend on our future ( or follow us
judges in front of a packed audience. generations”. on our social channels:
To get the positive energy flowing,
participants were even invited to join This call to action was reiterated by n @euenergyweek
morning yoga sessions. MEP Claude Turmes, whose quote n EU Sustainable Energy Week
we shall leave you with: “Today we
And outside Brussels, EUSEW always postpone the difficult things
continued in full swing with a record until tomorrow. We are getting close
number of over 400 Energy Days to the tipping point. If we want the
organised by companies, NGOs and planet to be a beautiful place we
individuals throughout Europe! have to move.”