Page 13 - European Energy Innovation - autumn 2018 publication
P. 13
Autumn 2018 European Energy Innovation 13
we have started large scale research a concrete and great potential for partnerships in order to reach our
in a pilot plant to enable such a electrification in order to reduce common climate targets for 2050. I
process. carbon dioxide emissions. The am convinced there are many more
precondition is access to fossil free potential projects out there that can
Another industrial process that emits electricity at a competitive price. This be achieved through joint efforts. l
large amounts of carbon dioxide is will require efforts from governments,
the manufacturing of cement, which authorities, universities and other Contact information
is produced through the heating research centres.
of limestone. Using electricity in Ioana PETCU
this process would contribute to a For Vattenfall, it is about being a Advisor, Press & Media Relations
reduction of the Swedish carbon partner in this important transition, Eurelectric aisbl,
dioxide emissions by 5%. Vattenfall, whether it is for the manufacturing of Boulevard de l’Impératrice, 66,
together with Cementa (Heidelberg fossil free steel, sustainable cement or 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Cement Group), strive to realise this in smart solutions for storage of solar Tel: +32 470 45 35 89
process through the joint project energy and charging of electric vehicles. Email:
I hereby would like to invite other
These examples show that there is companies and organisations to more