Page 17 - European Energy Innovation - autumn 2018 publication
P. 17

Autumn 2018 European Energy Innovation      17

                                                                 ROOFTOP PV

meet the targets of the Paris            a) Large-scale or utility plants, with      Rooftop installations have higher
Agreement, CO2 emissions from the        arrays of free-standing modules,            capital costs, but the electricity can
power sector have to decrease to         connected to the transmission grid.         be consumed either wholly or in part
65g CO2/kWh by 2050 from 506g                                                        on site, so the value is related to the
in 2015[3,4]. This is a huge task and    b) Dual use of traffic or water             relevant industrial or residential retail
can only be realised under the           infrastructure[7,8], closed landfills [9]   prices. Rooftop PV also brings a better
Sustainable development Scenario         and the re-naturalisation of mining         geographical match between supply
of the IEA's World Energy Outlook        sites offer potentials, often in the        and demand, a factor of increasing
2017. For Europe the challenge is        perimeter of existing electricity           importance as we progressively
even bigger as electricity emissions     infrastructure.                             electrify the heating and cooling and
in Europe should decrease to 45g                                                     the transport sectors.
CO2/kWh by 2050.                         c) PV located on roofs or facades of
                                         buildings.                                  Several studies suggest that roof
Recent 100% renewable electricity                                                    space is not an issue, even for
scenarios have highlighted the           The different options have different        the most ambitious scenarios.
importance of solar photovoltaics to     economic rationales. Utility PV plants can  For instance the IEA 2016 Energy
achieve this goal and decarbonise        take advantage of economies of scale        Technology Perspectives reports an
the power sector in a cost effective     to reduce investment and operational        estimate for PV potential in EU urban
manner. To realise a carbon free         costs, and the electricity generated        areas of over 500GW and 4,350GW
power supply by 2050 the installed       can be traded in wholesale markets.         worldwide by 2030[10].
PV generation capacity of about
400GW at the end of 2017 hast to         Dual use systems can have higher            Like many other EU-wide studies
increase to more than 4TW by 2025        capital costs, but this can partially       the IEA relies entirely on population
and 21.9TW by 2050 to make it            be offset by the additional value, the      density data as a proxy. In order to
happen[5,6].                             system provides, like the reduction         use a more direct approach and to
                                         of water evaporation, noise barriers,       map actual buildings right across
What options are available to install    lower infrastructure costs or local         Europe using earth observation
the required capacity?                   employment.                                 data, the Joint Research Centre

Figure 2: Cumulative installed PV power capacity between 2005 and 2018Cumulative Photovoltaic Power [GWp]
                     n Rest of EU
                     n Greece
          100 n United Kingdom
                     n Czech Republic
                     n Belgium
                     n France
           80 n Spain
                     n Italy
                     n Germany



                                         2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018e
   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22