Page 22 - European Energy Innovation - autumn 2018 publication
P. 22

22  Autumn 2018 European Energy Innovation


Unleashing the power of
Solar & Storage

By Raffaele Rossi, Policy Analyst, SolarPower Europe

While the uptake of                          an important flexibility tool allowing  and Enel. Aim of the Task Force is
                     solar power worldwide   for the provision of more stable,       to ensure that benefits of solar and
                     progresses at an ever-  less variable and fully dispatchable    storage are recognised and effectively
                     increasing pace, the    solar energy, increasing the system     communicated to stakeholders and
potential of solar energy still remains      integration of solar PV.                policymakers, in order to capture
largely untapped. The European                                                       the full potential of coupling such
Union currently sees around 5% of its        SolarPower Europe, the Brussels-        technologies.
electricity demand covered by solar,         based association representing
but this amount could easily grow to         the sector along the whole solar        The benefits provided by solar
15% by 2030.                                 photovoltaic value chain, supports      and storage are manifold. From
                                             the deployment of storage               a technical perspective, storage
A key factor linked to the deployment        technology through its Task Force       optimises solar supply by absorbing
to solar is its co-location with battery     on Solar & Storage, which includes      the surplus generation and employing
storage. Solar and storage are a             more than 25 leading companies in       it at a later stage, when the demand
perfect match: storage represents            this field, including Tesla, Sonnen     is higher (see graph). The presence of

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