Page 20 - European Energy Innovation - autumn 2018 publication
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20 Autumn 2018 European Energy Innovation
has been limited to the owners PVPS Task14 was shown[16]. The main political de-risking instruments are
or tenants of single family homes obstacle for a wide spread uptake of crucial.
or small PV systems in apartment PV generated electricity with self-
buildings. However, the rooftops of consumption are not of technical Last but not least, the Energy
multi-apartment buildings or office nature, but regulatory ones. Performance of Buildings Directive
buildings with multiple ownership (2018/844/EC) and the increasing
represent a large share of the total Increased self-consumption of PV requirements for net zero energy
available rooftop. Until now this is electricity can help to accelerate buildings is another driver. The JRC
widely untapped for self-consumption the transition to a decarbonised estimates that approximately 1.5
of commonly generated PV electricity. electricity system and the utilisation million new residential buildings are
Despite the fact that new economic of apartment roofs for PV installations constructed per year, and 2.5 million
concepts of PV system use in such play an important role to reach this undergo substantial renovation.
buildings have gained momentum goal. To enable the participation Adding only 10m2 PV to each project
over the last two years, the existing of people living in these buildings, would potentially add 5.7GW per
different administrative provisions appropriate regulatory and legal year. With commercial buildings
as well as technical regulations end conditions, which enable a secure even more dynamic and the addition
electricity codes for self-consumption and fair financing of the necessary of retrofitting existing buildings
in such buildings make the grid infrastructure and providing the potential for PV to contribute
implementation highly complicated. economic benefits for residential PV significantly to the Paris Goals and
In a recent study, the current situation system operators and society are the local economies are clearly
of nine different countries in IEA necessary. Community initiatives and viable. l
Contact information The scientific output expressed is
based on the current information
Dr. Arnulf Jäger-Waldau available to the author, and does
E-mail: not imply a policy position of the
Web: European Commission.
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[16] Jäger-Waldau A, Bucher Ch, Frederiksen KHB., Guerro-Lemus R, Masson G, Mather B, Mayr Ch, Moneta D, Nikoletatos J and Roberts MB, Self-consumption
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