Page 41 - European Energy Innovation - autumn 2018 publication
P. 41

Autumn 2018 European Energy Innovation                       41

                                         RENEWABLE ENERGY FRAMEWORK

civil society to become more involved    tenders and provide for alternative     their collective obligations under
in the energy system and respond to      competitive bidding procedures or       the Renewable Energy Directive. In
price signals.                           exemptions. In addition, retroactive    addition, the Governance Regulation
                                         changes to existing support schemes     enshrines the concept of "carbon
A recent report1 estimates the           will be prohibited from 2021 on. This   budget" in European law together
number of energy citizens that           is paramount to secure investor’s       with the need to achieve at EU level a
exist today, as well as how many         confidence in renewable energy          net-zero carbon economy in the next
could exist by 2030 and by 2050, in      projects.                               couple of decades. It encourages
individual EU Member States and                                                  Member States to joint renewable
in the EU as a whole. This is the        The renewable heating and cooling       energy development and strategic
estimation of the potential number       has an indicative target of 1.3 pp      planning.
of energy citizens, providing the right  of annual increase; the target for
legislation is in place.                 renewables in the transport sector      Negotiations on the so-called
                                         has been set for 14% by 2030. It gives  Winter Package might be finalised
It shows that over 264 million           encouragement for consumers to          by the end of 2018 ending with
European Union citizens, half of the     stay out of the mineral oil equation.   legislation development for a new
EU population, could be producing        In addition, a sub-target for advanced  EU electricity market design. The
their own electricity by 2050. These     biofuels of 3.5% by 2030 is also part   main challenge within this current
energy citizens could be producing       of the Directive. The new Directive     Trilogue negotiation will be to be
611 TWh of electricity by 2030 and       foresees a phase out of palm oil        coherent with or even enhance the
1,557 TWh by 2050. Therefore, by         from biofuels by 2030, starting         provisions of the new Renewable
2030, energy citizens could be           with a freeze on existing quantities    Energy Directive and Governance
delivering 19% of the EU’s electricity   of imported palm by 2020. It also       Regulation. Yet, the EU needs to
demand, and 45% by 2050. This is a       includes a freeze on so-called first    become still more ambitious to fulfil
significant contribution to achieving    generation biofuels such as ethanol     its commitments under the Paris
the EU’s 2030 renewable energy           with an identical deadline.             Agreement. l
target and moving towards a 100%
renewable energy system.                 For the transport sector, a target of
                                         14% of renewable energy by 2030
Citizens provide additional investment   was set. It gives only moderate
and activities for the implementation    encouragement for consumers to
of renewable energy projects. These      stay out of the mineral oil equation.
activities contribute to local jobs and  In addition, a sub-target for advanced
local wealth creation as money for       biofuels of 3.5% by 2030 is also part
energy stays within the community        of the directive. The new Directive
(instead of paying for energy imports).  foresees a phase out of palm oil
Their projects contribute to the         from biofuels by 2030, starting
reduction of energy poverty and          with a freeze on existing quantities
to the increase of energy security       of imported palm by 2020. It also
as neither import nor transport is       includes a freeze on so-called first
required. The democratisation of the     generation biofuels such as ethanol
energy system leads to an increased      with an identical deadline.
social acceptance for renewables and
to an increased energy consciousness     The new Governance Regulation
resulting in decreased energy            complements the Renewable Energy
consumption.                             Directive providing a framework
                                         and roadmap for the development
Another important part of the            of renewables throughout the EU
Directive relates to support schemes     and the EU contribution to the Paris
and the organisation of tenders for      Agreement’s objectives. Notably, it
renewable energy installations. In       requires Member States to provide
this recast, Member States keep the      national action plans which lay
right to apply technology specific       out their individual paths to meet

1 CE Delft, 2016. The Potential for Energy Citizens in the European Union, available at
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