Page 51 - European Energy Innovation - Spring 2015 publication
P. 51
Spring 2015 European Energy Innovation 51
Blue Energy: Why an energy transition
has to start offshore
By Gesine Meissner, Member of the European Parliament
The German Energy of gas-imports from Russia due to attention is paid to reduce the
Transition or the latest political developments. consumption per household,
Energiewende is a So, if we consider the German in particular by improving the
gigantic project to shift Energiewende as a gigantic insulation of our homes and
from nuclear energy towards project a European shift towards by promoting energy efficient
renewable energies. In fact, so renewable energies will be a by products. But will that be
far it is mostly a shift towards one far bigger one. How can it be sufficient? It is very unlikely.
of the least sustainable forms of done?
energy: coal. But what are our other options?
One step is to reduce our energy Many people believe in wind
In addition it is happening at a consumption. The EU aims at energy after the crisis of the solar
time when Europe is discussing energy savings of 20% by 2020 industry and the shortage of
about reducing its dependence and 30% by 2030. A lot of rare earths. However, one of the
Blue Energy: Why an energy transition
has to start offshore
By Gesine Meissner, Member of the European Parliament
The German Energy of gas-imports from Russia due to attention is paid to reduce the
Transition or the latest political developments. consumption per household,
Energiewende is a So, if we consider the German in particular by improving the
gigantic project to shift Energiewende as a gigantic insulation of our homes and
from nuclear energy towards project a European shift towards by promoting energy efficient
renewable energies. In fact, so renewable energies will be a by products. But will that be
far it is mostly a shift towards one far bigger one. How can it be sufficient? It is very unlikely.
of the least sustainable forms of done?
energy: coal. But what are our other options?
One step is to reduce our energy Many people believe in wind
In addition it is happening at a consumption. The EU aims at energy after the crisis of the solar
time when Europe is discussing energy savings of 20% by 2020 industry and the shortage of
about reducing its dependence and 30% by 2030. A lot of rare earths. However, one of the