Page 56 - European Energy Innovation - Spring 2015 publication
P. 56
Spring 2015 European Energy Innovation


Innovation is key to addressing our
energy goals

Seán Kelly, MEP

Technological innovation Corrib project will soon begin system, increasing the share of
is essential in meeting to alleviate this somewhat in the renewables in the Energy mix is
our climate and energy short term, the need to diversify a priority. Ireland currently has
targets, and in delivering our supply is clear. We find significant potential for increased
a reliable and affordable energy ourselves at the very end of the renewable energy production,
supply to consumers. Across gas supply line and so are in a particularly wind and ocean
Europe, scientists and engineers position that is quite vulnerable energy, given our geographical
work every day to achieve the to gas crises. That Europe is so position. Significant support for
improvements in efficiency and reliant on Russian gas is worrying, R&D activities will be crucial in
reliability across the Energy and given what we have seen getting promising renewable
system that will contribute to over the past year especially, Mr. energy technologies ready for
lowering the bills of European Putin has proven to be a less than market, and indeed improving
consumers and move towards a trustworthy gas supplier. The the performance, efficiency and
cleaner energy mix. need for change in our energy reliability of existing ones. Europe
strategy is clear. enjoys world leadership in many
Ireland, along with the rest of renewable technologies, such as
Europe, is far too dependent Last week’s announcement renewable heating and cooling,
on external sources to meet its of the Energy Union package and we need to ensure that this
energy needs. 90% of our gas is by the European Commission leadership is preserved and built
imported and although the new sends a clear signal that Europe upon. I am certain that Irish R&D
is ready to focus on increasing activities will contribute greatly in
the competitiveness of the EU, this regard.
improving its energy security,
putting in place a functioning As well as for renewables, R&D
internal energy market with activities should be undertaken to
greater energy efficiency, and explore the viability of all possible
moving towards a low carbon solutions that may contribute
system. While there will be much to achieving our energy goals.
work and discussion on the Europe’s current position of
proposal in the coming weeks over-dependence means that
and months, the initiative is good all possibilities to diversify
news for Ireland. When it comes supply should be given due
to energy security, in a strategic consideration as no one solution
sense, Ireland is perfectly placed will solve the problems we face.
to receive LNG which would bring
clear possibilities to diversify our Central to all this is the consumer,
gas supply. This is why I am and and it is important to not lose
have been a strong supporter sight of this. We must work to
of the LNG terminal project ensure that European energy
at Shannon in the west of the consumers have access to a
country and hope that the right secure and affordable energy
actions are taken to ensure its supply. Any prospect of supply
completion. shortages is unacceptable, and
energy poverty in Europe is a
Research and innovation are real problem that needs to be
vital components of the Energy eliminated.
Union proposal and have a
key role to play in fulfilling I look forward to the coming
the outlined objectives. As we months as we seek to address all
move to a low carbon energy of these challenges. l
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