Page 11 - European Energy Innovation - Spring 2017 publication
P. 11
Spring 2017 European Energy Innovation 11
generation and consumption mix. the ongoing energy transition. The at the same time integration of RES
benefits of distributed generation and the transition to a low carbon
The optimal location of storage is are can be better seen when there is economy.
determined by economic, technical, higher levels of self-consumption and
physical, public acceptance and when energy storage is a significant The geopolitical frictions have
political variables. It is now the part of the distributed system. Also the underlined the need to strengthen the
moment to reflect on how to coupling the distributed system with European security of energy supply.
optimise the EU level energy system smart grids provides additional value Using the available renewable and
with an urgent implementation of to distributed generation. other domestic energy resources
flexibility solutions to enable more would mitigate the risks related to
renewables and less curtailment. The role of thermal storage should also energy supply. Large-scale energy
Small and medium scale batteries can be considered in distributed systems. storage, both for electricity and gas,
be installed quickly, and represent Existing storage of heat, in the form of has a key role to play. Today gas
a fast solution at customer or hot water boilers and the thermal mass storage can buffer and store the
even distribution grid level. Other of buildings, is in some circumstances available energy resources, providing
technologies could provide optimal of both economic interest and can be gas, electricity or heat security of
solutions as a function of the specific quickly installed for usage. Also a more supply over months. It is expected that
grid needs. efficient use of waste heat, especially energy storage technologies related to
low-temperature heat, could further the use of electricity, such as chemical
While cables sometimes face criticism, contribute overall energy efficiency storage (allowing days and weeks of
local storage benefits from high public targets. storing capacity), could play a growing
acceptance. In some cases storage role in relation to security of energy
can provide temporary solutions, until In general we can see that energy supply as well.
cables are operational. Hybridisation storage can be a bridge from
of several technologies seems to be centralised to distributed generation, Storage can also improve the system
a new trend in many local projects which is another path worth to explore Energy Efficiency - being one of the
in order to ensure clean, secure and further. cornerstones in the Energy Union - and
affordable electricity, heating and contribute to an optimal design of the
cooling. The recent geopolitical developments European energy system at affordable
have increased the focus on energy costs. As a conclusion, energy storage
Significant progress has been made in security in the energy system. Energy allows for energy efficient use of
Power-to-Gas for large scale storage, in Security can be understood in two existing assets, including conventional
Power-to-Heat for demand response, ways, as security of electricity supply and renewable power generation, and
in battery systems at grid and home and as security of energy supply. In can provide energy efficiency benefits
level and other hybrid systems on both of these cases, storage options at both the grid and at consumer
islands and remote areas. Power-to- have strong attributes to contribute to level. l
Gas technologies are developing increased levels of security.
very quickly, providing a possibility © European Union, 2017
to link the electricity grid to other The security of electricity supply This document reflects the views
energy grids and uses, like transport relates to grid stability and power only of the authors, and the
and industrial feedstock. This should generation capacity. A number of Commission cannot be held
provide additional opportunities for factors have reduced the quantity of responsible for any use which
integration of higher shares of variable spare capacity in the grid; increased may be made of the information
RES. Further progress is required on load on transmission lines, increased contained therein.
all technology fronts, as we need a mix variability in generation and slowly
of all technologies for all sizes and all decreasing amounts of conventional Reproduction is authorised
locations. generation capacity. These factors, provided the source is
if not adapted to, can result in lower acknowledged.
The trend towards more decentralised safety margins and increases the risk of
electricity generation and self- black-outs. Energy storage can support
consumption has been triggered by reducing these risks while supporting
1) Clean Energy for All Europeans – unlocking Europe’s growth potential-