Page 13 - European Energy Innovation - Spring 2017 publication
P. 13
Spring 2017 European Energy Innovation 13
society aim to build a bridge between basic research and of Technology (KIT), RWTH Aachen University, TU Darmstadt,
large-scale applications. BMBF aims to achieve a targeted and the Institute for Sustainability Studies (IASS).
concentration of key stakeholders, which is why the projects The funding process of projects is absolutely crucial to
are designed to run for ten years – an innovative approach implementing research projects with limited time schedules
in the German government’s conventional research funding and precisely defined content at companies, research
practice. €400 million has been earmarked for the Kopernikus establishments, and universities.
The projects are focused on four key areas: power grids, The consortium project Carbon2Chem is another very good
energy storage systems, renewable energies in industry, and example of how all the relevant parties collaborate together
systems integration. These four critical areas will determine on this entire process. Together, they are developing a
whether the transformation of the energy sector is a success. globally applicable solution to convert waste gases from
thyssenkrupp’s steel furnaces into primary products for
The Kopernikus Projects connect the societal, economic, fuels, plastics, and fertilizers. The hydrogen required for this
and environmental issues of our time: structuring a new solution is produced using surplus energy from renewable
power grid (ENSURE), storing surplus electricity (P2X), energy sources. The Carbon2Chem approach is expected
synchronizing industrial processes with the renewable to make 20 million tonnes of the German steel industry’s
energy supply (SynErgie), and navigating through the annual CO2 emissions economically exploitable in future.
effects and side effects of economic or policy measures in This represents 10 percent of the annual CO2 emissions from
advance (ENavi). The projects are part of the Research for a German industrial processes and the manufacturing industry.
Sustainable Development (FONA). The scientific heads are PtJ is supporting the Ministry in the implementation of
from prestigious institutions, such as the Karlsruhe Institute Carbon2Chem as well. l
Projects details of the Federal Ministry of Education
and Research
For more information about the Kopernikus Projects,
please see:
A short movie about the project Carbon2Chem
can be seen here:
Photos: FONA/Photothek, Ute Grabowsky