Page 51 - European Energy Innovation - Spring 2017 publication
P. 51
Spring 2017 European Energy Innovation 51
Turning waste from steel industry
into a valuable low cost feedstock
for energy intensive industry
The RESLAG project is aligned with the challenges 1) High value and critical metal extraction from slag. The
outlined in the call WASTE-1-2014: Moving towards recovery of metallic raw materials, such as Cr, Mn and
a circular economy through industrial symbiosis of others is one of the European Commission priorities for
the European Horizon 2020 programme. In 2010, better exploitation of the available resources.
the European steel industry generated, as waste, about
21.8 Mt of steel slag. The 76 % of the slag was recycled in 2) development of a slag-based cost effective heat recovery
applications such as aggregates for construction or road concept in extensive thermal energy demanding
materials, but these sectors were unable to absorb the total industries, such as the steel prouction activity.
amount of produced slag. The remaining 24 % was landfilled
(2.9 Mt) or self-stored (2.3 Mt). 3) development of an economic and technically improved
steel slag based heat storage concept for the renewable
The landfilled slag represents a severe environmental concentrated solar power (CSP) production.
problem. The main aim of RESLAG is to prove that there are
industrial sectors able to make an effective use of the 2.9 4) production of innovative refractory ceramic compounds.
Mt/y of landfilled slag, if properly supported by the right The inclusion of the steel slag as an aggregate in
technologies. In making this prof, the RESLAG project will innovative refractory recipes will decrease the overall cost
also prove that there are other very important environmental of the produced material without any interference on the
benefits coming from an active use of the slag in industrial required material performance.
processes, as CO2 saving (up to 970 kton/year from the
renewable concentrated solar power (CSP) electricity All these demonstrations will be lead by a well balanced
production, at least 71 kg/ton of produced steel in the project consortium conformed by leading industries and also
electric arc furnace steelmills provided an effective waste heat research centers and universities involved on the European
recovery based on the steel slag), and elimination of negative material, energetic efficiency and technological scenario. l
impacts associated with mining (from the recovery of valuable
metals and from the production of ceramic materials). To Contact details:
achieve this ambitious goal, four large-scale demonstration Project website links:
pilot systems are consideredin the RESLAG project:
CIC Energigune - Project Coordinator