Page 55 - European Energy Innovation - Spring 2017 publication
P. 55
Spring 2017 European Energy Innovation 55
legislation requires the separation of is unnecessary. To be clear, there local economies with the savings and
different products and materials at the will always be residual waste; left through the new jobs created.
moment that they become a waste, over after separate collection and
even more so in the revision currently recycling and it makes economic as The principle of proximity for waste
in progress, so as to preserve their well as environmental sense to use management as given in the European
intrinsic value and facilitate their further that residual waste as a fuel in those waste directives should also apply to
use in the economic cycle. European Member States which have the systems the sale of the materials recovered
municipalities have the responsibility to and the need for heat to make best use for recycling. This is what will boost
create the system to make sure that this of this resource. the creation of a circular economy in
happens. Europe by delivering quality materials
It is neither wise to ignore that need: to European industry. This is not to say
To make it more visible, we are talking the existing waste to energy plants, that these materials cannot or should
here of packaging waste which district heating systems, their near to not be traded on the global market, but
contains plastics, paper, metals, glass; full energy recovery, nor to weaken if Europe is serious about growing its
of biowaste which can be transformed the efficiency of waste management in economy sustainably, it should focus
into compost for use in agriculture and Europe by encouraging investments on reusing what has already been
biogas for use in vehicles, for heating into more mixed waste treatment in extracted and paid for before buying
or to generate electricity; of mobile countries which are not yet recycling new primary materials. This is a closed-
phones, fridges, washing machines, enough to meet the legislative targets loop or ‘circular’ economy.
computers, furniture, bicycles which can that they agreed to. And this should
be repaired and re-sold and of the heat not apply to municipal waste alone Economic efficiency through resource
and electricity that can be generated which makes up 10% or less of waste efficiency is also not something to be
from non-reusable or non-recyclable generated. If Europe is serious about restricted to one region of the globe or
waste. All of this is already happening re-circulating resources and creating to developed countries. Europe is not
but it needs to become widespread, so economies of scale to make these the only continent that still exports its
that all municipalities in the European efforts sustainable then the 75% ‘unsustainable’ production; suffering
Union are doing this and more, and so commercial and industrial waste needs itself economically as a consequence.
that we can assist developing nations to play the game as well. Municipalities are the ones faced with
to follow our good rather than only our finding jobs for citizens suddenly
bad consumption patterns. It is clear that this is a complex system finding themselves unemployed due
and to succeed, all parties need to to the failure of an industry. The future
The best way to encourage such work together to manage their part is linking up all strategies whether they
best practice is to demonstrate how of the chain. Municipalities may be are economic, waste, resources, water,
it works economically as well as at the forefront of municipal waste soil or climate as they are not separate.
environmentally. Several examples management which includes household They are intricately interwoven and
of this type already exist, where the waste and waste similar to household interdependent and understanding
costs of waste management have waste from commerce and industry, their synergies will ensure that we are
been significantly reduced by moving but the producers of packaging, waste able to address the root causes of
away from collecting mixed waste and electrical and electronic equipment, global warming before it gets out of
replacing it with separate collection of batteries, vehicles and other products hand. l
different waste materials and products have a responsibility to ensure that
at source, which are then sold to the their products are taken back from the Contact details:
market. EU members still in need of market once they have entered the
developing their waste management waste stream for reuse or recycling. Municipal Waste Europe
systems are still being told that European legislation is currently being Renewable Energy House
separate collection is more expensive revised to promote more recovery and Rue d’Arlon 63
than mixed waste management but less ‘loss’ from the European waste B-1040 Brussels
they are not being told the full story. stream. At Municipal Waste Europe it Tel: +32 2 400 10 94
These Member States are still collecting is our job to make sure that European Web:
waste every day: this is the key cost municipalities are fully supported in
in a waste management system and this task and that in turn we support our