Page 20 - European Energy Innovation - spring 2018 publication
P. 20

20  Spring 2018 European Energy Innovation


Green methane: speeding up a
cost-efficient energy transition

In order for the European Union             that has demonstrated the technical        simply serve the public a powerful new
      (EU) to meet the assigned target      feasibility of PtG technologies,           technology,’ Graf highlights. ‘Instead,
      of reducing CO2 emissions by          and seeks to further enhance the           we need to analyse the strengths
      at least 40 per cent by 2030          technology’s ability in order that it can  of PtG so that we can give precise
 compared to 1990 and by 80–95 per          be integrated into the daily operation     recommendations regarding how
 cent by the year 2050, the majority        of European energy grids.                  and where to roll out this technology.
 of fossil and nuclear energy must be                                                  Policy makers and investors need to
 replaced with renewable energy. As         The project is led by Dr Frank Graf        be told how, when and where they
 renewable sources tend to be volatile      and involves the participation of 27       can apply this technology to generate
 and generate energy intermittently,        partner organisations and companies        a business case, or to safeguard the
 long-term storage is required.             from across Europe, specifically Austria,  security of supply, or to protect the
                                            France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands    environment.’ For this reason, the
 An EU Horizon 2020 Research and            and Switzerland. Project activities        STORE&GO consortium benefits from
 Innovation programme project               are spread over nine work packages.        the involvement of large industrial
 coordinated by the DVGW Research           To ensure smooth coordination and          players, innovative small companies,
 Center at Engler-Bunte-Institute,          collaboration between the project          and research institutes with a focus
 Germany, is striving to integrate          partners, the STORE&GO consortium          on reactor concepts, electricity
 power-to-gas (PtG) technology into         utilises an online project management      grids, techno-economical studies,
 Europe’s future energy system. The         platform, which enables the researchers    business development and law. These
 project, ‘Innovative Large Scale Energy    to continuously exchange their             partners provide the experience and
 STORagE Technologies & Power-to-           progress and findings with each other.     knowledge necessary to ensure that
 Gas Concepts after Optimisation’                                                      STORE&GO’s activities result in real-
 (STORE&GO), involves the                   The team feels this level of               world change.
 demonstration of three different PtG       collaboration is required due to
 concepts in: Falkenhagen, Germany;         the extent of the expertise required       The researchers are working to reduce
 Solothurn, Switzerland; and Troia, Italy.  for such an undertaking. ‘We are           the energy losses and costs associated
 The work builds on previous research       convinced that it is not sufficient to     with existing methods of converting
                                                                                       energy. In addition, the team has
                                                                                       identified that there is currently
                                                                                       no place for PtG in the legislative
                                                                                       framework. At present, regulations exist
                                                                                       for either electricity or for gas, but not
                                                                                       both, meaning that interfaces between
                                                                                       the two networks are not accounted
                                                                                       for. This state of affairs presents a range
                                                                                       of problems, as it creates uncertainty
                                                                                       regarding who may operate a PtG
                                                                                       plant (i.e. a system operator or a gas
                                                                                       producer), there are no clear approval
                                                                                       procedures, and plants run the risk
                                                                                       of being liable for double fees. This
                                                                                       is something that the STORE&GO
                                                                                       consortium wishes to change. ‘We
                                                                                       dearly hope that PtG will be considered
                                                                                       in the ongoing revision of the EU’s
                                                                                       energy legislation,’ Graf explains.

© Regio Energy Solothurn                                                               Each of the three concepts being
                                                                                       demonstrated in STORE&GO involves

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