Page 16 - European Energy Innovation - spring 2018 publication
P. 16
16 Spring 2018 European Energy Innovation
Advanced biofuels to promote
decarbonisation of transportation
With CO2 emissions continuing to infrastructure. The technology for
grow in the transport sector, EU the production of cellulosic ethanol
institutions are looking at renewables is mature. One example for such an
such as biofuels to decarbonise the innovative technology is Clariant’s
mobility sector. Currently, a number sunliquid® process. Sunliquid®-based
of directives regulate the use of cellulosic ethanol achieves CO2
biofuels in the EU, among them the emission savings of up to 95 %
“Renewable Energy Directive” (RED) compared with fossil fuels. The co-
and the “Fuel Quality Directive” (FQD). product lignin from the process is
In November 2016, the European used for renewable energy production
Commission proposed - as part of its and the vinasse for soil fertilization,
energy and climate goals strategy - a which makes the process energy
revised Renewable Energy Directive self-sufficient and highly sustainable
(commonly referred to as “REDII”). and provides a tangible example of a
REDII stipulates that, by 2030, at circular economy.
least 27 % of all the energy used in
the EU have to be produced from In October 2017, Clariant announced on a binding target for advanced
renewable sources. In January 2018, its plans to invest in a new full-scale biofuels for 2030, to make headway
the EU Parliament recognized the commercial flagship production plant in decarbonising transportation
need for advanced biofuels produced for cellulosic ethanol made from and reach global climate protection
from agricultural residues in order to agricultural residues based on the goals. This will also create a strong
reduce greenhouse gas emissions sunliquid® technology. The new plant framework for investments in
in transportation. A vote was taken with an annual production capacity of sustainable, innovative technologies
calling for a specific 12 % target for 50,000 tons cellulosic ethanol will be and production facilities in the EU. l
renewables in the transport sector built in a rural area in the southwest
by 2030, 10 % of which should come of Romania. At full capacity, it will Contact Details:
from advanced biofuels and other process 250,000 tons of agricultural Dr. Markus Rarbach
low-carbon fuels. This proposal of the residues like straw annually, which Head of Business Line Biofuels &
EU Parliament sets the right direction will be sourced from local farmers. Derivatives
for creating a stable and predictable Tapping into the full potential of Clariant Produkte (Deutschland) GmbH
business environment in order to plants, the sunliquid® process T: +49 (0)89 710 661 0
trigger investments in advanced makes use of currently underutilized E:
biofuel production within the EU. If the inedible biomass and thus contributes
proposal prevails in the negotiations to optimizing the efficiency and
with the Council of Ministers and the sustainability of biofuels. The use of This article has been
European Commission, it will bring agricultural residues in the immediate published within the
many benefits: significant greenhouse vicinity promotes local fuel production. framework of the EU
gas savings, the creation of thousands Furthermore, it creates green jobs and project SUNLIQUID which receives funding
of new green jobs and a sustainable economic growth in predominantly from the European Union's Seventh
and competitive source of domestic rural areas that might be struggling Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013)
renewable energy for the EU. with underemployment and economic under grant agreement no. 322386.
AND SUSTAINABLE CELLULOSIC Clariant’s flagship plant shows that
ETHANOL the production of advanced biofuels
provides many benefits. In the
Advanced biofuels such as cellulosic upcoming negotiations on REDII, it is
ethanol can be used in today’s essential that the EU institutions agree
car fleet within the current energy