Page 42 - European Energy Innovation magazine - spring 2023 edition
P. 42

Spring 2023 European Energy Innovation
               42    POSITIVE ENERGY BUILDINGS

            From concept to cost-effective solution:

            Positive Energy Buildings in four EU cities

            By Alexandra Pfohl, Officer Communications, Media & Outreach.  Communications & Member
            Relations, ICLEI Europe and Andreas Jaeger, Officer, Built Infrastructure & Sustainable Energy,
            Sustainable Resources, Climate & Resilience, ICLEI

              n four European cities, Positive   demonstrate that cost-competitive,   a building to produce excess energy
              Energy Buildings (PEBs) are offering   plus-energy building solutions are   beyond building self-consumption.
              solutions to the global challenges   attainable across European climatic   The excess energy can be fed back
             Iof climate change and energy   zones.                           to the local grid or benefit the energy
            security. Their implementation could                              supply of neighbouring buildings or
            transform not only local energy   What began as a Horizon 2020    services. PEBs could hence play a
            supply chains, but provide a blueprint   project in 2019 has resulted in four   critical role in compensating for the
            for sustainable, energy secure   demonstration buildings being    energy demand of buildings that
            buildings as the living spaces of the   built either from the ground up,   cannot become energy neutral, as
            future. The cities of Graz (Austria),   or being refurbished and adapted   well as in the electrification of carbon
            Helsinki (Finland), Valladolid (Spain)   from and for various different   intensive sectors and services, such
            and Hasselt (Belgium) are separated   purposes. The building projects   as public and private mobility.
            by several hundred kilometres and   range from constructing an entirely
            shaped by different population   new apartment complex in Helsinki   In spite of these benefits, the cost-
            sizes, regulatory frameworks and   (Finland) to the creation of a PEB   intensive and complex nature of
            local climatic conditions. Like many   social-housing complex in Hasselt   implementing plus-energy solutions
            other European cities, however, they   (Belgium). Projects to redesign a   has long hampered the broader
            share the same challenge: Bringing   former industrial feed silo in Graz   roll-out of the concept. PEB solution
            emissions down, while ensuring a   (Austria) and for the deep renovation   packages have to be tailored to
            stable, sustainable energy supply.   of a historic palace in Valladolid   buildings of different shapes, sizes
                                             (Spain) are also underway.       and uses, climatic conditions and
            These cities’ ambition to find                                    regulatory contexts. Hence, whereas
            innovative solutions for their   Whereas nearly-zero energy buildings   abundant sunlight in Southern
            specific local contexts is what   have increasingly become standard   Europe makes cooling a primary
            made them unlikely but ideal     for new construction, the energy   concern and solar power an effective
            collaboration partners for the EU   concept of the four buildings is   choice, more northern cities need to
            Innovation Project EXCESS. A project   looking to go one step further. By   address heating demand effectively
            in which 21 European research,   designing buildings that produce   from ground sources or wind energy.
            technology, business, and urban   more sustainable energy than they   The PEB buildings in Hasselt and
            transition experts came together to   consume, the PEB concept enables   Valladolid are hereby pioneering
                                                                              solutions that could provide a
                                                                              blueprint for addressing an ageing
                                                                              building stock and skyrocketing
            Installation of a wind
            turbine to reach plus-energy                                      energy price across Europe.
            standards for a social housing
            complex in Hasselt (Belgium)                                      The PEB building in Hasselt (Belgium)
                                                                              consists of 20 apartment units
                                                                              intended for social housing, part
                                                                              of a bigger residential complex.
                                                                              The building supplies neighbouring
                                                                              buildings with surplus energy from
                                                                              the sustainable energy generation
                                                                              system installed on its roof and
                                                                              central basement. This includes
                                                                              electricity production via PVT panels,

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