Page 11 - European Energy Innovation - Summer 2014
P. 11
Summer 2014 European Energy Innovation 11
Commercial airlines can be more
eco-friendly than you think
In the debate about the Here’s a look at four ways the major airport. Simply reducing
environment, airplanes can PurePower engine can help the noise an aircraft makes during
be the elephant in the room. airlines be more lean and green: takeoff and landing will allow
Much like the elephant, airports to extend runway hours
their size works for and against Becoming more fuel-efficient: and allow more jets to service
them. They can haul several Fuel efficiency is central to the passengers. P&W’s engine
hundred people at once (the conversation on helping the reduces aircraft noise footprints
ultimate carpool), but they have environment. P&W’s PurePower by up to 75 percent. l
a reputation for being big, loud, engine offers the airline industry
gas-guzzling machines. a chance to get ahead by offering
a product that burns up to 16
How can they reduce carbon percent less fuel. This lowers fuel
emissions, be more fuel efficient costs for the company and gives
and cut down on the noise? passengers peace of mind.
There’s a behind-the-scenes Burning less fuel over longer
revolution going on aimed at routes: P&W recently launched
tackling these very questions. The the newest addition to the
brains behind the transformation PurePower engine family, the
come out of Pratt & Whitney PW1135G-JM engine, a 35,000
(P&W), one of the biggest thrust class engine for the Airbus
divisions of United Technologies A321neo aircraft. The engine’s
Corp. At P&W, people are working higher thrust allows A321neo
to produce the PurePower® operators to fly routes of greater
PW1000G Engine, a product distance - or out of high altitude
developed in anticipation of the airports - while carrying more
need for more eco-conscious passengers or larger payloads.
solutions for the airline industry. This will allow airlines to open up
United Technologies and P&W new routes without compromising
invested $1 billion of its own R&D fuel burn, emissions and
money on this engine that has environmental performance.
been 20 years in the making.
Reducing their carbon
To date, the PurePower engine footprint: With better fuel
family has more than 5,500 orders efficiency comes less carbon
and commitments, including emissions. P&W’s PurePower
options, from more than 50 global engine cuts carbon emissions by
customers. The PurePower engine more than 3,000 metric tons —
will be on five aircraft platforms, equal to planting over 900,000
including the Airbus A320neo trees — per aircraft per year.
family, the Bombardier CSeries,
the Embraer E-jets E2 family, the Bringing down the noise:
Mitsubishi Regional Jet and the Hundreds of planes take off and
Irkut MS-21 aircraft. land every day at the average
Commercial airlines can be more
eco-friendly than you think
In the debate about the Here’s a look at four ways the major airport. Simply reducing
environment, airplanes can PurePower engine can help the noise an aircraft makes during
be the elephant in the room. airlines be more lean and green: takeoff and landing will allow
Much like the elephant, airports to extend runway hours
their size works for and against Becoming more fuel-efficient: and allow more jets to service
them. They can haul several Fuel efficiency is central to the passengers. P&W’s engine
hundred people at once (the conversation on helping the reduces aircraft noise footprints
ultimate carpool), but they have environment. P&W’s PurePower by up to 75 percent. l
a reputation for being big, loud, engine offers the airline industry
gas-guzzling machines. a chance to get ahead by offering
a product that burns up to 16
How can they reduce carbon percent less fuel. This lowers fuel
emissions, be more fuel efficient costs for the company and gives
and cut down on the noise? passengers peace of mind.
There’s a behind-the-scenes Burning less fuel over longer
revolution going on aimed at routes: P&W recently launched
tackling these very questions. The the newest addition to the
brains behind the transformation PurePower engine family, the
come out of Pratt & Whitney PW1135G-JM engine, a 35,000
(P&W), one of the biggest thrust class engine for the Airbus
divisions of United Technologies A321neo aircraft. The engine’s
Corp. At P&W, people are working higher thrust allows A321neo
to produce the PurePower® operators to fly routes of greater
PW1000G Engine, a product distance - or out of high altitude
developed in anticipation of the airports - while carrying more
need for more eco-conscious passengers or larger payloads.
solutions for the airline industry. This will allow airlines to open up
United Technologies and P&W new routes without compromising
invested $1 billion of its own R&D fuel burn, emissions and
money on this engine that has environmental performance.
been 20 years in the making.
Reducing their carbon
To date, the PurePower engine footprint: With better fuel
family has more than 5,500 orders efficiency comes less carbon
and commitments, including emissions. P&W’s PurePower
options, from more than 50 global engine cuts carbon emissions by
customers. The PurePower engine more than 3,000 metric tons —
will be on five aircraft platforms, equal to planting over 900,000
including the Airbus A320neo trees — per aircraft per year.
family, the Bombardier CSeries,
the Embraer E-jets E2 family, the Bringing down the noise:
Mitsubishi Regional Jet and the Hundreds of planes take off and
Irkut MS-21 aircraft. land every day at the average