Page 6 - European Energy Innovation - Summer 2014
P. 6
6 Summer 2014 European Energy Innovation

Europe has to be innovative
to reach its energy goals

By Günther H. Oettinger, European Commissioner for Energy

There is a clear link
between innovation
and the EU’s energy
and climate targets: If
we want to reach our goals, we
have to be innovative. Innovation
and a low carbon future for
Europe are mutually dependent.
We have certainly no shortage
of ideas in Europe, but there is
a shortage of innovation which
turns into “manufacturable” and
“marketable” products. This is also
the major challenge of the energy
innovation sector today.

On 22 January the European
Commission outlined plans
for a climate and energy
framework for 2030. One core
goal is to reduce greenhouse-
gas-emissions by 40% below
the 1990 level by 2030. This
is very ambitious, as it implies
tripling the speed of reduction
in emissions in the decade from
2020 to 2030 compared to the
speed until 2020. Moreover, we
have to bear in mind that the
EU accounts for about 11% of
worldwide greenhouse-gas-
emissions. Therefore it cannot
afford to walk ahead without
anybody else joining behind, if
it wants to preserve industrial
competitiveness. We need to get
global partners on board in our
fight against climate change.

As regards the share of
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