Page 24 - European Energy Innovation - Summer 2014
P. 24
Summer 2014 European Energy Innovation
Fuel Efficiency For Cost Reduction
And Increased Profitability:
The Role Of Aviation Software
When Siim Kallas, Vice President One return flight from London System (EU-ETS). In response,
and Commissioner for Transport, to New York generates roughly IATA has proposed a Four Pillar
spoke to the European and the same emissions as heating Strategy based upon Technology,
Economic Social Committee the average EU home for a Operations, Infrastructure, and
in May, he emphasised the whole year, and aviation now Economic Measures (see figure
importance of aviation to Europe’s accounts for about 3% of total on page 25).
peoples and its businesses. EU emissions. Global CO2
Underlining his observations, production by this sector (some Of the IATA four pillars, operations
global passenger numbers 689’000’000 tonnes in 2012) is improvements such as increased
increased by almost a quarter expected to grow sharply: the fuel efficiency are attractive
during the period 2007-2012, with ICAO estimates that the level of because potentially rapid returns
IATA forecasting them to rise by emissions produced in 2010 will can be made on relatively
over 30 percent over the next five double by 2020, triple by 2030 limited investment. According
years. Accompanying this growth is and be six times higher by 2050 if to IATA, airlines with successful
a relentless rise in the consumption no measures are taken to control fuel efficiency programmes “can
of jet fuel (see figure below), the this growth. reduce their overall fuel budget
price of which is also rising (see by 3% to 5%”, which is significant
figure on page 25). Fuel currently THE RESPONSE OF THE AIRLINE when compared to the usually
represents as much as one third of INDUSTRY thin airline profit margins. To
airline operating costs, a proportion Operators seeking to benefit help airlines significantly reduce
that has more than doubled from the growth in air traffic fuel consumption and CO2
since 2001, increasing further now face strong legislative, emissions, and to set-up efficient
the pressure on profit margins environmental and economic fuel conservation programmes,
and creating a major incentive to pressures, including numerous IATA has compiled its Guidance
improve fuel efficiency. energy-related initiatives such as Material and Best Practices for Fuel
and Environmental Management
World jet fuel consumption (thousand barrels per day) (currently in its 5th edition). In
Source: United States Energy Information Administration this book, IATA highlights that
the availability of appropriate
6000 analytical tools and statistics is
essential for a successful fuel
5000 conservation programme. In order
to save fuel, the first requirement
4000 is transparency on how fuel is
spent. By analysing data related
3000 to fuel consumption, an airline
is able to discover areas of
2000 operations having fuel saving
potential. Second, ongoing
1000 monitoring of different fuel saving
initiatives helps to determine if
0 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 what is planned is actually being
1985 delivered. Where there are
deviations, countermeasures need
to be initiated in a timely manner
addressed to the responsible
Fuel Efficiency For Cost Reduction
And Increased Profitability:
The Role Of Aviation Software
When Siim Kallas, Vice President One return flight from London System (EU-ETS). In response,
and Commissioner for Transport, to New York generates roughly IATA has proposed a Four Pillar
spoke to the European and the same emissions as heating Strategy based upon Technology,
Economic Social Committee the average EU home for a Operations, Infrastructure, and
in May, he emphasised the whole year, and aviation now Economic Measures (see figure
importance of aviation to Europe’s accounts for about 3% of total on page 25).
peoples and its businesses. EU emissions. Global CO2
Underlining his observations, production by this sector (some Of the IATA four pillars, operations
global passenger numbers 689’000’000 tonnes in 2012) is improvements such as increased
increased by almost a quarter expected to grow sharply: the fuel efficiency are attractive
during the period 2007-2012, with ICAO estimates that the level of because potentially rapid returns
IATA forecasting them to rise by emissions produced in 2010 will can be made on relatively
over 30 percent over the next five double by 2020, triple by 2030 limited investment. According
years. Accompanying this growth is and be six times higher by 2050 if to IATA, airlines with successful
a relentless rise in the consumption no measures are taken to control fuel efficiency programmes “can
of jet fuel (see figure below), the this growth. reduce their overall fuel budget
price of which is also rising (see by 3% to 5%”, which is significant
figure on page 25). Fuel currently THE RESPONSE OF THE AIRLINE when compared to the usually
represents as much as one third of INDUSTRY thin airline profit margins. To
airline operating costs, a proportion Operators seeking to benefit help airlines significantly reduce
that has more than doubled from the growth in air traffic fuel consumption and CO2
since 2001, increasing further now face strong legislative, emissions, and to set-up efficient
the pressure on profit margins environmental and economic fuel conservation programmes,
and creating a major incentive to pressures, including numerous IATA has compiled its Guidance
improve fuel efficiency. energy-related initiatives such as Material and Best Practices for Fuel
and Environmental Management
World jet fuel consumption (thousand barrels per day) (currently in its 5th edition). In
Source: United States Energy Information Administration this book, IATA highlights that
the availability of appropriate
6000 analytical tools and statistics is
essential for a successful fuel
5000 conservation programme. In order
to save fuel, the first requirement
4000 is transparency on how fuel is
spent. By analysing data related
3000 to fuel consumption, an airline
is able to discover areas of
2000 operations having fuel saving
potential. Second, ongoing
1000 monitoring of different fuel saving
initiatives helps to determine if
0 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 what is planned is actually being
1985 delivered. Where there are
deviations, countermeasures need
to be initiated in a timely manner
addressed to the responsible