Page 27 - European Energy Innovation - Summer 2014
P. 27
Summer 2014 European Energy Innovation 27
level. From this point on, any 2. Operational improvements. transport are a priority for the
emissions the aviation industry We’re making the current fleet global aviation industry. While
is unable to reduce through lighter and more efficient and some outsiders point to the fact
operational, technological or using new air traffic control that aviation contributes some
infrastructure measures, or by techniques to save emissions. 2% of global emissions as an
using sustainable alternative fuels, For example, landing using excuse for not making aviation
will need to be offset by market a continuous descent into an a priority focus, industry leaders
based measures. airport saves at least 150 kg of have agreed that taking decisive
CO2 per flight. Adding wingtip and long-term steps to reduce
(3) By 2050: halving net emissions devices to an aircraft can emissions are an important part of
based on 2005 levels reduce fuel use by 4%. securing the sector’s permission
to grow in the future – an
After 2020, the industry will 3. Infrastructure efficiencies. important growth factor in many
start seeing some of the larger Shortening flying times by a economies worldwide.
emission reduction possibilities minute saves at least 100kg of
of advanced technologies and CO2 per flight. Reformed air With air transport currently
sustainable aviation fuels. These traffic management systems in supporting over 58 million
two major factors, as well as the United States and Europe jobs and $2.4 trillion in global
continuing work on infrastructure will significantly cut emissions, economic activity, the growth of
and operations efficiency, will as long as there is the political air transport provides a catalyst
allow the industry to aim for the will to carry them out. for economic development in
most ambitious goal: to ensure other areas of the economy. Over
that net carbon emissions from 4. Smart economic measures. a third of world trade by value
aviation in 2050 will be half of Economic measures are a part is sent by air cargo. Over three
what they were in 2005, or 318.5 of our strategy until technology billion passengers and 52% of
million tonnes of carbon, despite and more efficient operations international tourists travel by air
the growth in passenger numbers achieve our targets. We are each year. And in recent analysis
and cargo. working with Governments by Oxford Economics for the
to design a global market- Air Transport Action Group, air
FOUR STEPS TO CUTTING based measure through the transport is forecast to support
AVIATION CO2 International Civil Aviation over 100 million jobs in 20 year’s
1. Technology innovation. Each Organization that accounts time. So a clear message we have
for emissions only once and been sending to governments
generation of aircraft is around ensures that passengers do not is to support the growth in air
20% more fuel efficient, and face multiple layers of taxation. transport, but that growth must
over the next decade airlines be accompanied by sustainable
will invest $1.3 trillion in new SUSTAINABLE GROWTH growth strategies and with the
planes. Sustainable alternative Efforts to stablise and eventually necessary international and local
aviation fuels, already being reduce emissions from air building blocks in place. l
used on a small scale in
commercial flight, will have For more information, readers might be interested in the website
the potential to cut emissions
by up to 80% compared to
traditional jet fuel.
level. From this point on, any 2. Operational improvements. transport are a priority for the
emissions the aviation industry We’re making the current fleet global aviation industry. While
is unable to reduce through lighter and more efficient and some outsiders point to the fact
operational, technological or using new air traffic control that aviation contributes some
infrastructure measures, or by techniques to save emissions. 2% of global emissions as an
using sustainable alternative fuels, For example, landing using excuse for not making aviation
will need to be offset by market a continuous descent into an a priority focus, industry leaders
based measures. airport saves at least 150 kg of have agreed that taking decisive
CO2 per flight. Adding wingtip and long-term steps to reduce
(3) By 2050: halving net emissions devices to an aircraft can emissions are an important part of
based on 2005 levels reduce fuel use by 4%. securing the sector’s permission
to grow in the future – an
After 2020, the industry will 3. Infrastructure efficiencies. important growth factor in many
start seeing some of the larger Shortening flying times by a economies worldwide.
emission reduction possibilities minute saves at least 100kg of
of advanced technologies and CO2 per flight. Reformed air With air transport currently
sustainable aviation fuels. These traffic management systems in supporting over 58 million
two major factors, as well as the United States and Europe jobs and $2.4 trillion in global
continuing work on infrastructure will significantly cut emissions, economic activity, the growth of
and operations efficiency, will as long as there is the political air transport provides a catalyst
allow the industry to aim for the will to carry them out. for economic development in
most ambitious goal: to ensure other areas of the economy. Over
that net carbon emissions from 4. Smart economic measures. a third of world trade by value
aviation in 2050 will be half of Economic measures are a part is sent by air cargo. Over three
what they were in 2005, or 318.5 of our strategy until technology billion passengers and 52% of
million tonnes of carbon, despite and more efficient operations international tourists travel by air
the growth in passenger numbers achieve our targets. We are each year. And in recent analysis
and cargo. working with Governments by Oxford Economics for the
to design a global market- Air Transport Action Group, air
FOUR STEPS TO CUTTING based measure through the transport is forecast to support
AVIATION CO2 International Civil Aviation over 100 million jobs in 20 year’s
1. Technology innovation. Each Organization that accounts time. So a clear message we have
for emissions only once and been sending to governments
generation of aircraft is around ensures that passengers do not is to support the growth in air
20% more fuel efficient, and face multiple layers of taxation. transport, but that growth must
over the next decade airlines be accompanied by sustainable
will invest $1.3 trillion in new SUSTAINABLE GROWTH growth strategies and with the
planes. Sustainable alternative Efforts to stablise and eventually necessary international and local
aviation fuels, already being reduce emissions from air building blocks in place. l
used on a small scale in
commercial flight, will have For more information, readers might be interested in the website
the potential to cut emissions
by up to 80% compared to
traditional jet fuel.