Page 30 - European Energy Innovation - Summer 2014
P. 30
Summer 2014 European Energy Innovation
The aircraft operators have kilogram of fuel saved reduces For ERA, as an organisation
developed many operating CO2 emissions by 3.16 kg (source, representing primarily intra-EU
procedures that minimise fuel IATA). More efficient use of fuel operators, the decision was
usage, for example, single engine is being achieved through new disappointing for its membership.
taxing, reduced thrust take-offs or engine technology, lower weight At best, the scheme will capture
continued descent approaches aircraft and more aerodynamically 20 per cent or less of aviation CO2
where minimum power is used in efficient aircraft. emissions in Europe meaning
the approach profile. The reform that itwill be environmentally
of air traffic management, which With regards to alternative fuels ineffective while adding
enables fewer delays, less holding to jet fuel (kerosene) bio fuels complexity and cost to European
and non-direct routings caused are the only possible alternatives. business for airlines to achieve
by Europe’s currently inefficient Operators, fuel companies and compliance and verification of
air traffic control can also help regulators are working to develop emissions.
to cut down fuel usage. Studies bio fuels as a complimentary fuel
have shown that in Europe a more source to existing carbon-based The environmental impact
efficient air traffic management fuel. Flight demonstrations have of aviation noise is often
system could reduce the taken place, but the challenge concentrated within local
industry’s overall fuel burn by as now is to industrialise the communities and there are
much as 10 per cent. production of bio fuel and ensure various initiatives under way
that the infrastructure is available to reduce noise nuisance from
Improved technology is also vital to supply the fuel to the point of aircraft.
in reducing the carbon footprint use at airports.
of aviation. As fuel comprises Considerable progress has
such a large amount of direct Market-based measures, while been made in recent years in
operating costs aircraft and not always the most effective reducing the noise generated by
engine manufacturers invest method of improving an operator’s aircraft, driven by technological
considerable time, effort and carbon footprint, also have a role and design improvements and
money in developing technology to play globally in combating control of operations at airports.
that reduces fuel burn which, in aviation’s negative impact on the For example, lining up aircraft
turn, reduces CO2 emissions. Each environment. In Europe the main with the runway as far as 70km
tool for aviation is the EU Emissions away from the airport and then
Contact details: Trading System (EU ETS). approaching in a continuous
descent can more than halve
Web: Aviation was included in the EU the acoustic energy that reaches
E-mail: ETS from 2012. The original aim the ground, according to an
Telephone: +44(0)1276 856495 was to capture all flights that international research consortium.
Fax: +44(0)1276 857038 arrived or departed from an EU
European Regions Airline Association (ERA) airport. However, following huge The aviation industry is committed
Park House international opposition, the to addressing its impact on the
127 Guildford Road EU amended the scheme and environment and has made
Lightwater excluded international flights impressive progress on a number
Surrey (outside the EU) for one year in of counts. It will continue to work
GU18 5RA 2012. The ‘freeze’ has recently with governments, aircraft and
United Kingdom been extended until at least 2016. engine manufacturers, airports
In practice this means that only and air navigation service
flights within the EU are included providers towards enabling ever
in the scheme. greener skies. l
The aircraft operators have kilogram of fuel saved reduces For ERA, as an organisation
developed many operating CO2 emissions by 3.16 kg (source, representing primarily intra-EU
procedures that minimise fuel IATA). More efficient use of fuel operators, the decision was
usage, for example, single engine is being achieved through new disappointing for its membership.
taxing, reduced thrust take-offs or engine technology, lower weight At best, the scheme will capture
continued descent approaches aircraft and more aerodynamically 20 per cent or less of aviation CO2
where minimum power is used in efficient aircraft. emissions in Europe meaning
the approach profile. The reform that itwill be environmentally
of air traffic management, which With regards to alternative fuels ineffective while adding
enables fewer delays, less holding to jet fuel (kerosene) bio fuels complexity and cost to European
and non-direct routings caused are the only possible alternatives. business for airlines to achieve
by Europe’s currently inefficient Operators, fuel companies and compliance and verification of
air traffic control can also help regulators are working to develop emissions.
to cut down fuel usage. Studies bio fuels as a complimentary fuel
have shown that in Europe a more source to existing carbon-based The environmental impact
efficient air traffic management fuel. Flight demonstrations have of aviation noise is often
system could reduce the taken place, but the challenge concentrated within local
industry’s overall fuel burn by as now is to industrialise the communities and there are
much as 10 per cent. production of bio fuel and ensure various initiatives under way
that the infrastructure is available to reduce noise nuisance from
Improved technology is also vital to supply the fuel to the point of aircraft.
in reducing the carbon footprint use at airports.
of aviation. As fuel comprises Considerable progress has
such a large amount of direct Market-based measures, while been made in recent years in
operating costs aircraft and not always the most effective reducing the noise generated by
engine manufacturers invest method of improving an operator’s aircraft, driven by technological
considerable time, effort and carbon footprint, also have a role and design improvements and
money in developing technology to play globally in combating control of operations at airports.
that reduces fuel burn which, in aviation’s negative impact on the For example, lining up aircraft
turn, reduces CO2 emissions. Each environment. In Europe the main with the runway as far as 70km
tool for aviation is the EU Emissions away from the airport and then
Contact details: Trading System (EU ETS). approaching in a continuous
descent can more than halve
Web: Aviation was included in the EU the acoustic energy that reaches
E-mail: ETS from 2012. The original aim the ground, according to an
Telephone: +44(0)1276 856495 was to capture all flights that international research consortium.
Fax: +44(0)1276 857038 arrived or departed from an EU
European Regions Airline Association (ERA) airport. However, following huge The aviation industry is committed
Park House international opposition, the to addressing its impact on the
127 Guildford Road EU amended the scheme and environment and has made
Lightwater excluded international flights impressive progress on a number
Surrey (outside the EU) for one year in of counts. It will continue to work
GU18 5RA 2012. The ‘freeze’ has recently with governments, aircraft and
United Kingdom been extended until at least 2016. engine manufacturers, airports
In practice this means that only and air navigation service
flights within the EU are included providers towards enabling ever
in the scheme. greener skies. l