Page 34 - European Energy Innovation - Summer 2014
P. 34
Summer 2014 European Energy Innovation
The top ten research priorities
for renewable energy
By Vinicius Valente & Greg Arrowsmith
The upcoming SET-Plan In meetings in Q1 2014 between Advanced PV technologies
Integrated Roadmap Dr Melton and the European and applications need to
(IR) will focus on Commission staff involved in the be developed to maintain
the development of SET Plan, it became apparent that technology competitiveness.
innovative solutions to address the Commission was interested in
the needs of the European energy boiling down the heap of input it Emerging technologies need to
system for the forthcoming was receiving into a list of priorities. demonstrate their added value
years. This strategic document, To assist that process, EUREC in terms of cost, performance
announced in May 2013 in presents below a list of current or unique application options
the Communication from the top 10 research priorities for and their viability in terms of
European Commission on Energy renewable energy, aligning with the manufacturability and stability.
Technologies and Innovation, association’s mission to promote
intends not only to provide and support the development • Cost reduction and
guidance to the second Energy of innovative technologies and improved performance of
Work Programme of Horizon human resource development to Concentrated Solar Power
2020, but also serve as a basis enable a prompt transition to a (CSP) systems
for national action plans to be sustainable energy system.
developed between the EC and Heliostat field costs represent
EU Member States. The list below is not any particular about 50% of the total CSP plant
order. These ten topics are cost. Therefore, a significant cost
Representing leading research considered priorities with respect reduction in the heliostat field
centres in renewable energy to all other possible areas of will represent LCOE (levelised
across Europe, EUREC has been energy research. cost of electricity) cost reduction
involved in the process through of 15 – 20% from CSP systems.
the association’s President, Dr • System integration of Increasing not only the efficiency
Keith Melton, who is a member renewable energy and in the thermo-dynamical cycle but
of the IR Coordination Group demonstration of innovative also the cost effectiveness of the
offering guidance on the evolving control systems at the thermal storage is a priority.
document. domestic and district level.
This exercise has involved the Improving network planning
updating of the individual SET with a multi-network approach,
Plan technology roadmaps in including electricity, heating
an attempt to cover the whole and cooling. An integrated
innovation ecosystem around network both at transmission
different energy technologies. and distribution levels is
Once the Integrated Roadmap essential to account for new
is finalised and published generation technologies based
(expected in June) the onus on renewables, innovative power
will be on Member States to technologies including electricity
define the contribution they and thermal storage and network
will make to implementing it, monitoring/control techniques.
by providing funding and by
ensuring that between them they • Improved cost and
cover all of the research actions performance of PV cells,
proposed. In early 2015 a further modules, systems as
Communication is expected well as new products for
outlining how far that process Building-integrated (BIPV)
has got. applications
The top ten research priorities
for renewable energy
By Vinicius Valente & Greg Arrowsmith
The upcoming SET-Plan In meetings in Q1 2014 between Advanced PV technologies
Integrated Roadmap Dr Melton and the European and applications need to
(IR) will focus on Commission staff involved in the be developed to maintain
the development of SET Plan, it became apparent that technology competitiveness.
innovative solutions to address the Commission was interested in
the needs of the European energy boiling down the heap of input it Emerging technologies need to
system for the forthcoming was receiving into a list of priorities. demonstrate their added value
years. This strategic document, To assist that process, EUREC in terms of cost, performance
announced in May 2013 in presents below a list of current or unique application options
the Communication from the top 10 research priorities for and their viability in terms of
European Commission on Energy renewable energy, aligning with the manufacturability and stability.
Technologies and Innovation, association’s mission to promote
intends not only to provide and support the development • Cost reduction and
guidance to the second Energy of innovative technologies and improved performance of
Work Programme of Horizon human resource development to Concentrated Solar Power
2020, but also serve as a basis enable a prompt transition to a (CSP) systems
for national action plans to be sustainable energy system.
developed between the EC and Heliostat field costs represent
EU Member States. The list below is not any particular about 50% of the total CSP plant
order. These ten topics are cost. Therefore, a significant cost
Representing leading research considered priorities with respect reduction in the heliostat field
centres in renewable energy to all other possible areas of will represent LCOE (levelised
across Europe, EUREC has been energy research. cost of electricity) cost reduction
involved in the process through of 15 – 20% from CSP systems.
the association’s President, Dr • System integration of Increasing not only the efficiency
Keith Melton, who is a member renewable energy and in the thermo-dynamical cycle but
of the IR Coordination Group demonstration of innovative also the cost effectiveness of the
offering guidance on the evolving control systems at the thermal storage is a priority.
document. domestic and district level.
This exercise has involved the Improving network planning
updating of the individual SET with a multi-network approach,
Plan technology roadmaps in including electricity, heating
an attempt to cover the whole and cooling. An integrated
innovation ecosystem around network both at transmission
different energy technologies. and distribution levels is
Once the Integrated Roadmap essential to account for new
is finalised and published generation technologies based
(expected in June) the onus on renewables, innovative power
will be on Member States to technologies including electricity
define the contribution they and thermal storage and network
will make to implementing it, monitoring/control techniques.
by providing funding and by
ensuring that between them they • Improved cost and
cover all of the research actions performance of PV cells,
proposed. In early 2015 a further modules, systems as
Communication is expected well as new products for
outlining how far that process Building-integrated (BIPV)
has got. applications