Page 33 - European Energy Innovation - Summer 2014
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Summer 2014 European Energy Innovation 33
find some promising indications impact EERA wants to achieve stakeholders – have to make
thanks to the EERA activities. and through which additional sure that we do not spoil the
The EERA has accompanied means? What are the outputs opportunity we have today to
the creation of national energy expected from the EERA create an original and efficient
alliances in several countries: programmes? The discussion is tool answering to the challenges
Spain, Italy, Belgium, The currently ongoing at the EERA that Europe faces in ensuring
Netherlands and France. Those Executive Committee level and secure sources of low carbon
alliances contribute to the EERA is now defining its strategy energy, the technological
reflection about national energy and expected impact for the next independence of Europe and the
programs, which are needed years. Then, the EERA will have to supply of critical materials for new
to build joint programming on select the right funding process technologies.
the European level. A second to combine national contributions
positive indication is given by with the European Commission Of course, EERA knows that
the recent reinforcement of the funding to support research it will have to compromise
dialogue between the EERA and activities as well as to implement with political requirements,
the Member states, represented an internal organization able to sometimes opposing ones. EERA
by the steering group of the Set- take over our new responsibilities. has to convince researchers
Plan. Those links are of utmost and stakeholders that the
importance to gain the support The real challenge is that we chosen options are the right
of national authorities for the have built a new instrument ones. This will be one of the
alignment process of research for European coordination. It is major challenges for the two
programs. And last but not the working, but we can do better. forthcoming years. But, we
least, we are really taking care that We – all EERA members, the remain confident and open to all
all the activities led inside EERA European Commission, the constructive debates. ●
are relevant towards the whole Member states and all other
innovation chain, especially with
the European industries situated About EERA
downstream of our research
activities and with whom we are The European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) was launched in 2008 to support the
closely collaborating. implementation of the European Commission’s Strategic Energy Technology Plan
(SET-plan). EERA is a formally recognized pillar of the SET-plan together with the
So far, so good. But EERA, the European Industrial Initiatives, the SET-plan Steering Committee as well as SETIS.
European Commission and the
member states involved in the The EERA Joint Programmes are bottom-up initiated programmes aligned with the
SET-plan steering committee all SET-plan priorities. Each Joint Programme brings together research communities
recognize that now it is time to in areas such as Smart Grids, Photovoltaics, Wind Energy, Geothermal and Smart
take coordination in EERA to a Cities. In the Joint Programmes researchers exchange knowledge and collaborate on
new level. research projects.
The question is how and what For more information about EERA please visit
find some promising indications impact EERA wants to achieve stakeholders – have to make
thanks to the EERA activities. and through which additional sure that we do not spoil the
The EERA has accompanied means? What are the outputs opportunity we have today to
the creation of national energy expected from the EERA create an original and efficient
alliances in several countries: programmes? The discussion is tool answering to the challenges
Spain, Italy, Belgium, The currently ongoing at the EERA that Europe faces in ensuring
Netherlands and France. Those Executive Committee level and secure sources of low carbon
alliances contribute to the EERA is now defining its strategy energy, the technological
reflection about national energy and expected impact for the next independence of Europe and the
programs, which are needed years. Then, the EERA will have to supply of critical materials for new
to build joint programming on select the right funding process technologies.
the European level. A second to combine national contributions
positive indication is given by with the European Commission Of course, EERA knows that
the recent reinforcement of the funding to support research it will have to compromise
dialogue between the EERA and activities as well as to implement with political requirements,
the Member states, represented an internal organization able to sometimes opposing ones. EERA
by the steering group of the Set- take over our new responsibilities. has to convince researchers
Plan. Those links are of utmost and stakeholders that the
importance to gain the support The real challenge is that we chosen options are the right
of national authorities for the have built a new instrument ones. This will be one of the
alignment process of research for European coordination. It is major challenges for the two
programs. And last but not the working, but we can do better. forthcoming years. But, we
least, we are really taking care that We – all EERA members, the remain confident and open to all
all the activities led inside EERA European Commission, the constructive debates. ●
are relevant towards the whole Member states and all other
innovation chain, especially with
the European industries situated About EERA
downstream of our research
activities and with whom we are The European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) was launched in 2008 to support the
closely collaborating. implementation of the European Commission’s Strategic Energy Technology Plan
(SET-plan). EERA is a formally recognized pillar of the SET-plan together with the
So far, so good. But EERA, the European Industrial Initiatives, the SET-plan Steering Committee as well as SETIS.
European Commission and the
member states involved in the The EERA Joint Programmes are bottom-up initiated programmes aligned with the
SET-plan steering committee all SET-plan priorities. Each Joint Programme brings together research communities
recognize that now it is time to in areas such as Smart Grids, Photovoltaics, Wind Energy, Geothermal and Smart
take coordination in EERA to a Cities. In the Joint Programmes researchers exchange knowledge and collaborate on
new level. research projects.
The question is how and what For more information about EERA please visit