Page 61 - European Energy Innovation - Summer 2014
P. 61
Summer 2014 European Energy Innovation 61
Shaping energy intelligent
cities of tomorrow
By Dieter Reiter, Lord Mayor, City of Munich
Europe’s resilience to To manage this change, cities through workshops, inviting
face the future will must think about the bigger participants to share their own
depend on its cities. picture. We need to explore new experiences too.
How can we balance sources to meet growing energy
increasing energy demand with demand, and combine the need Our workshop on urban
environmental, economic and for energy, housing and transport development will take place
social concerns? Munich is one with meeting strict environmental in an area where two sharply
European city taking a leading standards. We must make contrasting urban districts meet.
role in addressing our growing economic and social concerns an Freiham, a new district developed
energy consumption. As the integral part of this process. using a modern, sustainable
Bavarian capital, host of this year’s energy concept, is set to
EUROCITIES annual conference, The Europe 2020 strategy sets become a model for low carbon
we have launched various clear goals for the EU on climate development. Its geothermal
projects, initiatives and activities and energy, aiming to reduce CO2 district heating plant is at the
to help us achieve this goal. emissions by 20% by 2020. With cutting edge of heat generation.
70% of all of Europe’s energy Neuaubing, meanwhile, is an
‘Energising cities – energy- consumed in cities, local action
intelligent cities of tomorrow’ is pivotal for meeting climate Dieter Reiter
is the theme of EUROCITIES targets. Many cities are setting
2014 Munich. European cities themselves more ambitious
must prepare their energy targets – through the Covenant
infrastructure for the future. of Mayors, for example, cities
This means more than simply commit to improving energy
modernising energy systems and efficiency and increasing energy
promoting energy efficiency, it uptake from sustainable sources
means managing the everyday beyond the Europe 2020 goals.
demands of living, working,
shopping, and leisure in a But beyond 2020, how can
modern urban context. we make our cities energy
intelligent? We must consider
The next 20 years will shape the the implications for wider urban
cities of tomorrow: cities will need planning if we are genuinely
to respond to climate change and to reduce energy consumption
natural resource management, and lower CO2 emissions, while
economy and job creation, social improving quality of life for
equity, demographic change, growing urban populations.
citizen engagement, and in
particular youth engagement. We will explore these issues
Cities must adapt if we are to and more at EUROCITIES 2014
meet the expectations of our in Munich, including designing
citizens and provide the services the built environment, greening
they need. At EUROCITIES 2014 the wider community through
Munich, politicians from major collaboration with businesses
European cities will discuss how and citizens, and developing
this urban transformation will new business models and
define how Europe as a whole partnerships. We will demonstrate
responds and adapts. our own ideas and projects
Shaping energy intelligent
cities of tomorrow
By Dieter Reiter, Lord Mayor, City of Munich
Europe’s resilience to To manage this change, cities through workshops, inviting
face the future will must think about the bigger participants to share their own
depend on its cities. picture. We need to explore new experiences too.
How can we balance sources to meet growing energy
increasing energy demand with demand, and combine the need Our workshop on urban
environmental, economic and for energy, housing and transport development will take place
social concerns? Munich is one with meeting strict environmental in an area where two sharply
European city taking a leading standards. We must make contrasting urban districts meet.
role in addressing our growing economic and social concerns an Freiham, a new district developed
energy consumption. As the integral part of this process. using a modern, sustainable
Bavarian capital, host of this year’s energy concept, is set to
EUROCITIES annual conference, The Europe 2020 strategy sets become a model for low carbon
we have launched various clear goals for the EU on climate development. Its geothermal
projects, initiatives and activities and energy, aiming to reduce CO2 district heating plant is at the
to help us achieve this goal. emissions by 20% by 2020. With cutting edge of heat generation.
70% of all of Europe’s energy Neuaubing, meanwhile, is an
‘Energising cities – energy- consumed in cities, local action
intelligent cities of tomorrow’ is pivotal for meeting climate Dieter Reiter
is the theme of EUROCITIES targets. Many cities are setting
2014 Munich. European cities themselves more ambitious
must prepare their energy targets – through the Covenant
infrastructure for the future. of Mayors, for example, cities
This means more than simply commit to improving energy
modernising energy systems and efficiency and increasing energy
promoting energy efficiency, it uptake from sustainable sources
means managing the everyday beyond the Europe 2020 goals.
demands of living, working,
shopping, and leisure in a But beyond 2020, how can
modern urban context. we make our cities energy
intelligent? We must consider
The next 20 years will shape the the implications for wider urban
cities of tomorrow: cities will need planning if we are genuinely
to respond to climate change and to reduce energy consumption
natural resource management, and lower CO2 emissions, while
economy and job creation, social improving quality of life for
equity, demographic change, growing urban populations.
citizen engagement, and in
particular youth engagement. We will explore these issues
Cities must adapt if we are to and more at EUROCITIES 2014
meet the expectations of our in Munich, including designing
citizens and provide the services the built environment, greening
they need. At EUROCITIES 2014 the wider community through
Munich, politicians from major collaboration with businesses
European cities will discuss how and citizens, and developing
this urban transformation will new business models and
define how Europe as a whole partnerships. We will demonstrate
responds and adapts. our own ideas and projects