Page 65 - European Energy Innovation - Summer 2014
P. 65
Summer 2014 European Energy Innovation 65


petroleum services Norway has EMISSION REDUCTION on the emissions. This model has
moved from importing a majority Both prices and regulations been very successful, and we are
of services and competence yield energy innovation. The now discussing continuing this
in the 1970’es to being a Norwegian ban on flaring in model for another period of time.
formidable knowledge hub and normal conditions on the NCS has
exporter of petroleum services also resulted in large emission Projects in industry are funded
today. We hope to build on the reductions. On a global scale through the state agency Enova.
competencies in this sector to emissions from flaring in the oil They report having supported
take a larger share of the growth and gas sector emits more than projects that contribute to 1.2
also regarding renewable energy. 250 million tons (2011), thus million tons of annual CO2-emission
approximately the emission from reductions over the last 10 years.
Today the Norwegian electricity mix a country like Spain. Accordingly,
is almost 100 percent renewable, reducing flaring worldwide would Replacing fossil energy with
thanks to huge investments in be an effective climate policy. renewable energy is crucial
hydropower capacity. Access to in solving the climate crisis.
cheap and reliable hydropower A combination of regulation, Innovations in renewable energy,
provides a competitive edge to the price on carbon and subsidies are increased energy efficiency
power intensive industries, which needed to provide the innovation and emission reduction require
grew on the basis of hydropower in energy and the energy services a productive cooperation
development. we will need to create a climate between the state and private
friendly energy system. For me, actors. In areas such as research,
We need to apply the same one of the key areas for future development and demonstration,
long term thinking that has innovation is the use of energy in as well as direct project support,
worked so well in petroleum industry. The history of emission government support can unlock
and hydropower to solving reductions in Norwegian industry new opportunities and provide a
tomorrow’s energy challenges. is impressive. During the last secure investment framework for
Climate change, energy security decade emissions from industry private actors.
and competitiveness are have been in a steady decline,
the foremost energy related at the same times as industrial Long-term political frameworks,
challenges in Europe and Norway. production has increased. This is a active governments and
result of foresight from managers ambitious industrial actors play
Putting a price on carbon and workers, political facilitation a significant role in enabling a
emissions is the best and and increased automation. We shift to a more climate friendly
most efficient way of reducing aim to continue to support good energy sector. We have worked
emissions. In Norway emission reduction projects in the closely with the energy sector
approximately 80 percent of Norwegian industry, as it provides to increase the generation of
CO2-emissions are submitted for smarter use of energy, renewable energy, and to help
to some form of carbon pricing, economic competitiveness and the power intensive industries to
either the EU-ETS quotas or as reduced carbon emissions. consume less energy, and to be
a straightforward carbon tax, in smarter regarding their energy
some cases both. There has been Facing the need to reduce consumption. This will lead to
a carbon tax on the petroleum emissions Norway has a very lower emissions, and higher
production on the Norwegian good track record of cooperating competitiveness. Our emissions
Continental Shelf (NCS) since with industry on voluntary are falling, but not far enough and
1991; this has resulted in commitments. In order to fast enough.
emission reductions on the shelf. reducing emission of NOx-gas,
One example is the carbon these voluntary commitments In Norway we would like to be a
sequestration and storage at the meant that the industry paid team player in shaping the future
Sleipner field, earlier this year money into a special fund for of the European energy sector,
they celebrated having stored supporting emission reduction by contributing knowledge and
more than 20 million tons of CO2. projects, instead of paying tax MW. l
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