Page 13 - European Energy Innovation - Summer 2015 publication
P. 13
Summer 2015 European Energy Innovation 13
deployment in an integrated way. and behaviours. Research and and innovation effort on rail
As a result, a number of Joint innovation activities in these fields (by tripling its financing) with a
Undertakings have been (re-) need to also be accompanied by view to develop and accelerate
established under the Horizon appropriate regulatory measures, the bringing to market of
2020 Framework Programme so deployment and standardisation technological breakthroughs,
that all actors involved in specific efforts, in order to help transport which should improve the
sectors could come together ‘growing out of oil’ and thus competitiveness and the
and deliver coherent and result- becoming cleaner and more reliability of the rail sector. By
oriented research and innovation competitive. ensuring the participation of all
programmes. relevant stakeholders from the
In addition, to the improvement entire rail value chain, Shift2Rail
Out of the seven Joint on the means of transport, the will deliver a consistent and
Undertakings in Horizon 2020, better use of existing networks coherent plan to appropriately
four are directly or indirectly would also contribute to answer the challenges of the
related to transport, namely: improving the overall sector’s rail sector through a real system
Single European Sky ATM efficiency. As a result, activities on approach. Moreover, the early
Research (SESAR) 2020 to automation, intelligent transport involvement of operators in the
develop the new generation of systems (ITS) but also on the initiative will also guarantee that
European Air Traffic Management deployment of smart mobility the technologies developed fit
system that will enhance the systems such as the air traffic the needs to the sector and can
performance of air transport; management system of the future be rapidly deployed.
Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 to (SESAR), the European rail traffic
accelerate market introduction of management system (ERTMS), For the future, as announced
clean and efficient technologies and the next generation of in the Commission’s recent
in energy and transport; Clean multimodal traffic management Energy Union package, we
Sky 2 to develop cleaner, quieter and information systems will be will be developing a strategic
aircraft with significantly less essential. The example of the transport research and innovation
CO2 emissions; Shift2Rail development of next generation’s agenda. This will aim at further
to develop better trains and air traffic management system deepening our understanding of
railway infrastructure that will though SESAR is particularly the potential of new technology
drastically reduce costs and appealing. Following its to improve transport – and
improve capacity, reliability and development phase, the SESAR identifying the key steps to deliver
punctuality. These partnerships Joint Undertaking is currently the appropriate research work.
are expected to complement and launching its deployment phase,
add value to the research carried which will see the large scale Of course, the EU research and
out through the regular Horizon production and implementation innovation initiatives are only
2020 calls for proposals. of the new air traffic management pieces of the puzzle, but essential
infrastructure, composed of fully one. Recent experiences have
The improvement of the harmonised and interoperable demonstrated that by ‘joining
vehicles’ efficiency and the use components guaranteeing energies’, result-oriented research
of cleaner energy are the first high performance air transport and innovation programmes can
elements on which innovation can activities in Europe. achieve a faster and cheaper
contribute to improving today’s transition to a more efficient and
transport system. Given the size Last but not least, another sustainable European transport
of the challenge ahead of us, element of our strategy is to system. Combined with regulatory
research and innovation should make greater use of more initiatives, standardisation and
not be limited to incremental energy-efficient modes and funding efforts, innovation is
improvements but should also, ensuring that these are more therefore a great asset to achieve
where necessary, be disruptive competitive. With Shift2Rail, the a truly safe, competitive and
and produce a real step change Commission has decided to resource efficient transport
compared to toady’s technologies considerably boost the research system. l
deployment in an integrated way. and behaviours. Research and and innovation effort on rail
As a result, a number of Joint innovation activities in these fields (by tripling its financing) with a
Undertakings have been (re-) need to also be accompanied by view to develop and accelerate
established under the Horizon appropriate regulatory measures, the bringing to market of
2020 Framework Programme so deployment and standardisation technological breakthroughs,
that all actors involved in specific efforts, in order to help transport which should improve the
sectors could come together ‘growing out of oil’ and thus competitiveness and the
and deliver coherent and result- becoming cleaner and more reliability of the rail sector. By
oriented research and innovation competitive. ensuring the participation of all
programmes. relevant stakeholders from the
In addition, to the improvement entire rail value chain, Shift2Rail
Out of the seven Joint on the means of transport, the will deliver a consistent and
Undertakings in Horizon 2020, better use of existing networks coherent plan to appropriately
four are directly or indirectly would also contribute to answer the challenges of the
related to transport, namely: improving the overall sector’s rail sector through a real system
Single European Sky ATM efficiency. As a result, activities on approach. Moreover, the early
Research (SESAR) 2020 to automation, intelligent transport involvement of operators in the
develop the new generation of systems (ITS) but also on the initiative will also guarantee that
European Air Traffic Management deployment of smart mobility the technologies developed fit
system that will enhance the systems such as the air traffic the needs to the sector and can
performance of air transport; management system of the future be rapidly deployed.
Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 to (SESAR), the European rail traffic
accelerate market introduction of management system (ERTMS), For the future, as announced
clean and efficient technologies and the next generation of in the Commission’s recent
in energy and transport; Clean multimodal traffic management Energy Union package, we
Sky 2 to develop cleaner, quieter and information systems will be will be developing a strategic
aircraft with significantly less essential. The example of the transport research and innovation
CO2 emissions; Shift2Rail development of next generation’s agenda. This will aim at further
to develop better trains and air traffic management system deepening our understanding of
railway infrastructure that will though SESAR is particularly the potential of new technology
drastically reduce costs and appealing. Following its to improve transport – and
improve capacity, reliability and development phase, the SESAR identifying the key steps to deliver
punctuality. These partnerships Joint Undertaking is currently the appropriate research work.
are expected to complement and launching its deployment phase,
add value to the research carried which will see the large scale Of course, the EU research and
out through the regular Horizon production and implementation innovation initiatives are only
2020 calls for proposals. of the new air traffic management pieces of the puzzle, but essential
infrastructure, composed of fully one. Recent experiences have
The improvement of the harmonised and interoperable demonstrated that by ‘joining
vehicles’ efficiency and the use components guaranteeing energies’, result-oriented research
of cleaner energy are the first high performance air transport and innovation programmes can
elements on which innovation can activities in Europe. achieve a faster and cheaper
contribute to improving today’s transition to a more efficient and
transport system. Given the size Last but not least, another sustainable European transport
of the challenge ahead of us, element of our strategy is to system. Combined with regulatory
research and innovation should make greater use of more initiatives, standardisation and
not be limited to incremental energy-efficient modes and funding efforts, innovation is
improvements but should also, ensuring that these are more therefore a great asset to achieve
where necessary, be disruptive competitive. With Shift2Rail, the a truly safe, competitive and
and produce a real step change Commission has decided to resource efficient transport
compared to toady’s technologies considerably boost the research system. l