Page 11 - European Energy Innovation - Summer 2015 publication
P. 11
Summer 2015 European Energy Innovation 11
Above: case description air cooler by use of Flexplate. Above and
to the right: radiax compressor surrounded with flexplate.
the design was an extension of COMPACTNESS Contact details:
an existing process, meant to Owing to its compact design, For more information or to find out what this
increase the efficiency of the it was possible to fit the unit can mean for your system, send an email to
entire process. (Flexplate in combination with
built in moisture separator) into
Additionally, it is essential for the the available space. And owing
air in this process to be dry after to the requirement for a low
cooling and for it to remain below pressure drop, the plate distance
10°C. Another requirement was had to be correct (not as close
for the installation to have a very to each other as in a plate heat
long service life (sustainability) exchanger), so that the pressure
despite lots of moisture, which drop would remain limited
could cause corrosion. The yet capacity be maintained.
drawing above shows an outline Condensing water vapour gives
sketch of this process. The air, an enormous increase in the heat
which enters at 40°C, is cooled transfer coefficient, but only if the
down to 10°C with a cross counter water droplets formed are able
flow of water. Since the water to flow away quickly. Due to the
vapour in the air condenses shape and vertical arrangement
through cooling, this water has to of the Flexplates, this is the case
be drained off, so the plates serve here.
as a moisture separator as well as
heat exchanger (condenser). SUSTAINABILITY
The sustainability of this unit
The example in the photos is our could be guaranteed on two
revolutionary Radiax compressor points: because the installation
in which, after compression, is made entirely from stainless
air is cooled by means of steel, it is corrosion resistant –
these Flexplates. This Radiax guaranteeing long service life.
compressor is very efficient In addition, owing to the low
and, combined with the internal pressure drop, the existing fan
Flexplate cooling plates package, could be used. In short, this unit
it creates an extremely compact complies with the sustainability
compressor. requirements in all respects. l
Above: case description air cooler by use of Flexplate. Above and
to the right: radiax compressor surrounded with flexplate.
the design was an extension of COMPACTNESS Contact details:
an existing process, meant to Owing to its compact design, For more information or to find out what this
increase the efficiency of the it was possible to fit the unit can mean for your system, send an email to
entire process. (Flexplate in combination with
built in moisture separator) into
Additionally, it is essential for the the available space. And owing
air in this process to be dry after to the requirement for a low
cooling and for it to remain below pressure drop, the plate distance
10°C. Another requirement was had to be correct (not as close
for the installation to have a very to each other as in a plate heat
long service life (sustainability) exchanger), so that the pressure
despite lots of moisture, which drop would remain limited
could cause corrosion. The yet capacity be maintained.
drawing above shows an outline Condensing water vapour gives
sketch of this process. The air, an enormous increase in the heat
which enters at 40°C, is cooled transfer coefficient, but only if the
down to 10°C with a cross counter water droplets formed are able
flow of water. Since the water to flow away quickly. Due to the
vapour in the air condenses shape and vertical arrangement
through cooling, this water has to of the Flexplates, this is the case
be drained off, so the plates serve here.
as a moisture separator as well as
heat exchanger (condenser). SUSTAINABILITY
The sustainability of this unit
The example in the photos is our could be guaranteed on two
revolutionary Radiax compressor points: because the installation
in which, after compression, is made entirely from stainless
air is cooled by means of steel, it is corrosion resistant –
these Flexplates. This Radiax guaranteeing long service life.
compressor is very efficient In addition, owing to the low
and, combined with the internal pressure drop, the existing fan
Flexplate cooling plates package, could be used. In short, this unit
it creates an extremely compact complies with the sustainability
compressor. requirements in all respects. l