Page 7 - European Energy Innovation - Summer 2015 publication
P. 7
Summer 2015 European Energy Innovation 7


Breakthrough value creation

The port of Amsterdam has been importing goods and
materials from all over the world for more than seven
centuries. Nothing characterises the port of Amsterdam
more than its entrepreneurial drive. This quality is highly
relevant if we look at topical issues such as the depletion of
raw materials worldwide, one of the greatest challenges and
uncertainties of the next twenty years.

As a world-scale energy Amsterdam is one ecosystem on CFO Ed Nieuwenhuizen:
port, it is self-evident three scale levels: international “The port of Amsterdam is a catalyst for
to Port of Amsterdam hub, industrial hotspot and cross- increasing sustainability within the industry on
that it should seek pollination for the region. a broad basis. Many companies demonstrate
to contribute substantially to successfully here what the added value of
innovations in fossil energy, the PORT OF PARTNERSHIPS sustainable business can be.”
transition to clean energy and This approach ties in seamlessly
the creation of a bio-based and with our Vision 2030 (http:// AEB Rietlanden Orgaworld
circular economy.
Eng/Vision-2030) to develop the
THE SEARCH FOR Amsterdam port region into an
ALTERNATIVES intelligent hub in both the global
Amsterdam is a major European trade network and the regional
port for agricultural products economy. Port of Amsterdam works
(agribulk) and recycling. Those shoulder to shoulder with all parties
are exactly the pillars required to concerned. We are simultaneously
recover raw materials and energy market master, matchmaker and
from waste and basic and residual co-creator. Our task as market
flows. Transformations the port master is to strengthen the core
of Amsterdam facilitates include clusters and new niches. As
those from fryer fat to biodiesel, matchmaker we bring people,
from urine to phosphate for the technology and sectors together.
production of artificial fertilisers In our role as co-creator, we
and from sewage sludge to bio- help to generate new initiatives,
LNG. Renewable energy offers activities and start-ups. Sustainable
countless opportunities for the growth within the existing area is
region. Residual flows for raw the priority. The port may be the
materials and energy production engine of the regional economy,
are intelligently exchanged in but it should be as clean and
Amsterdam test gardens to quiet as an engine can be.
produce lucrative cycles, often
in combination with innovative PORT OF AMSTERDAM
biotechnology. Bio-based and Amsterdam is the 4th port in
circular business activities have Western Europe, the largest
taken root here alongside the petrol and cacao port in the
existing industry. Start-ups world and the second coal port in
operate next to established Europe. Located on busy shipping
businesses. We ensure a solid routes, in the large European
connection between global delta with water connections
logistics and regional production. reaching far into Europe (e.g.
Between supply, use and re-use. the Rhine), Amsterdam is a
And between mineral and bio- perfectly suitable European and
based. In other words, the port of international energy port. l
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