Page 27 - European Energy Innovation - Summer 2015 publication
P. 27
Summer 2015 European Energy Innovation 27
Labelling (2010/30/EU). Such
standards can make an important
contribution to achieving higher
levels of energy efficiency,
thereby reducing demand for
energy and helping businesses
and households to cut their
energy costs.
In addition to the areas already ©CEN-CENELEC
mentioned, there are many
other energy-related activities economy, there is a clear added- years, we can see that there are
being carried out within CEN value in having standards that many areas where standardization
and CENELEC. These include: are accepted and applied is necessary to support innovation
the development of standards worldwide. In CEN and CENELEC, in the energy sector. These
on energy audits to support the we collaborate closely with our include new battery technologies,
implementation of the Energy international counterparts (ISO the further expansion of
Efficiency Directive (2012/27/ and IEC), and some 43% of all renewable energy and
EU); standards for calculating our deliverables are identical electromobility, and the concept
the Energy Performance of to international standards (in of ‘smart and sustainable cities’.
Buildings (EPB); standards for the electrotechnical sector it is In CEN and CENELEC, we will
various kinds of gas appliances; more than 70%!). The alignment continue to work with our National
standards to support the of European and international Members, European stakeholders
deployment of alternative standards helps to eradicate and international partners in order
fuels infrastructure and ‘smart technical barriers to trade to help bring about a cleaner,
charging’ of electric vehicles; (TBT) and facilitates European greener and more efficient energy
standards to help implement companies’ access to global future for Europe. l
the revised Low Voltage markets.
Directive (2014/35/EU); and our
cooperation with ISO and IEC to Looking ahead to the coming
provide standards for Europe’s
nuclear energy industry.
Most European Standards
are voluntary, which means
that businesses and other
organizations are not legally
obliged to apply them.
However, around one-fifth of
the standards adopted by CEN
and CENELEC may be used
to ensure compliance with
legal requirements contained
in European directives and
regulations. These ‘harmonized
standards’ enable manufacturers
and operators to comply with the
essential requirements laid down
in the relevant EU Directives.
In an increasingly globalized
Labelling (2010/30/EU). Such
standards can make an important
contribution to achieving higher
levels of energy efficiency,
thereby reducing demand for
energy and helping businesses
and households to cut their
energy costs.
In addition to the areas already ©CEN-CENELEC
mentioned, there are many
other energy-related activities economy, there is a clear added- years, we can see that there are
being carried out within CEN value in having standards that many areas where standardization
and CENELEC. These include: are accepted and applied is necessary to support innovation
the development of standards worldwide. In CEN and CENELEC, in the energy sector. These
on energy audits to support the we collaborate closely with our include new battery technologies,
implementation of the Energy international counterparts (ISO the further expansion of
Efficiency Directive (2012/27/ and IEC), and some 43% of all renewable energy and
EU); standards for calculating our deliverables are identical electromobility, and the concept
the Energy Performance of to international standards (in of ‘smart and sustainable cities’.
Buildings (EPB); standards for the electrotechnical sector it is In CEN and CENELEC, we will
various kinds of gas appliances; more than 70%!). The alignment continue to work with our National
standards to support the of European and international Members, European stakeholders
deployment of alternative standards helps to eradicate and international partners in order
fuels infrastructure and ‘smart technical barriers to trade to help bring about a cleaner,
charging’ of electric vehicles; (TBT) and facilitates European greener and more efficient energy
standards to help implement companies’ access to global future for Europe. l
the revised Low Voltage markets.
Directive (2014/35/EU); and our
cooperation with ISO and IEC to Looking ahead to the coming
provide standards for Europe’s
nuclear energy industry.
Most European Standards
are voluntary, which means
that businesses and other
organizations are not legally
obliged to apply them.
However, around one-fifth of
the standards adopted by CEN
and CENELEC may be used
to ensure compliance with
legal requirements contained
in European directives and
regulations. These ‘harmonized
standards’ enable manufacturers
and operators to comply with the
essential requirements laid down
in the relevant EU Directives.
In an increasingly globalized