Page 29 - European Energy Innovation - Summer 2015 publication
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Summer 2015 European Energy Innovation 29


or faulty installations. When this grid efficiency’s point of view a light of what modern technology
information is used to trigger good overview on the network makes possible. AMI has become
automatic messages to the utility’s resources is needed in order an essential and integrated part
service centre, the service teams to optimise the maintenance of the utility’s business system.
can quickly locate the problem, work and plan the forthcoming
and corrective action can be investments. Information on the For Aidon as an AMI technology
taken to prevent accidents and low voltage grid on transformer provider, openness and platform
minimise any further damage. station level can provide a thinking are at the core of our
significant contribution. For philosophy and offering. Most
COST SAVINGS IN DAILY example, monitoring the voltage likely the need for additional
OPERATIONS levels at a transformer station and functionality will grow throughout
The benefits of smart metering throughout the power line up the AMI system’s lifetime – that
can be immediately seen as cost to the last metering point helps is why it is important to have
savings in the utility’s customer analyse eventual deviations and flexibility to grow along the
service. The operations related eventual overload. This helps new needs, for example by
to fault prevention and fixing planning maintenance and the downloading new applications to
as well as reacting to network need for new investments so the metering devices. For utilities
disturbances are significantly that the required, good supply this concept creates adaptability
more efficient. When the quality can be retained. This again throughout the entire lifetime
detecting of faults is improved, results in remarkably decreased of the AMI solution. The open
less time is needed on trouble- equipment wear and failures platform also provides a future-
shooting and repair work. Not to while improving the overall grid proof path to develop their smart
mention the fact that in general, performance and safety. grid one step at a time. l
AMI helps utilities prevent some
of the failures from happening at MAKING THE MOST OF AMI –
all. At its best, a fault in the grid or THE AIDON WAY
at a customers’ destination can be The recent development within
fixed before the customer even AMI industry, where the utilities’
notices it. Minimised network focus shifts from meter reading
downtimes also mean significant to comprehensive power grid
savings in compensations to be management calls for advanced
paid to the customers. ways to manage the ever
increasing amount of data. The
Furthermore, as utilities and their emphasis is on information; how
customers have access to actual to gather, analyse and utilise it in
consumption data, and billing is a way that makes sense to both
based on actual consumption, utilities and their customers, in the
less time is needed on answering
questions and clarifying billing Leading in the Nordics
issues. Therefore, the focus of Aidon’s proven technology, customer-driven innovations and industry expertise are
the utility’s most labour-intensive helping Nordic energy distribution companies improve their operational efficiency
departments can be shifted from and gain the best financial value for the AMI investment. In Norway, the nationwide
responsive help-desk activities on AMI roll-out will be completed by the end of 2018. In February 2015 Aidon signed
a proactive customer service. a contract with Norway’s largest energy distribution company Hafslund Nett for the
delivery of an advanced AMI solution which will cover 700.000 customers in the
IMPROVED EFFICIENCY ON capital of Oslo and the surrounding municipalities. Altogether, Aidon’s installed base
THE LONG RUN and signed contracts on the Nordic market sum up to 2.5 million metering points
On top of the daily operational (status June 2015).
costs, an advanced AMI helps
utilities’ business also on a Find out more:
longer perspective. From the
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