Page 53 - European Energy Innovation - Summer 2015 publication
P. 53
Summer 2014 European Energy Innovation 53
1 1) Simulation of the capability
of a structural health monitoring
runs flagship postgraduate PhD students many of who will system to detect barely visible
MSc courses in computational focus on computational and impact damage in a composite
techniques for fluid mechanics experimental aerodynamics for wing using dynamic explicit
and fluid-structure interaction, more efficient future aircraft. finite element analysis of
and in the science, technology ultrasonic wave propagation
and engineering of advanced ENGAGING WITH THE GREEN (part of EU FP7 project SARISTU)
composites. Both of these MSc AVIATION COMMUNITY 2) Noise reduction investigations
courses produce graduates The Green Aviation Forum at using a fractal spoiler
with specialist knowledge and Imperial led by the Department mounted on a reduced-size
skills essential for addressing of Aeronautics has run two very wing. Wings and spoilers with
the demanding environmental successful symposiums (Green fractal trailing edges rather
issues facing aviation. Recently Aviation 2011 & 2012) in London than fractal porosity have also
an Advanced Aeronautical where aviation sector leaders been investigated showing very
Engineering MSc course has have addressed large audiences significant noise reduction with
been launched to train existing of specialists from industry, an accompanying increase in
engineers in the fundamentals academia, government and the lift to drag ratio.
of new enabling technologies press on the steps being taken 3) Simulation of turbulent
required for ‘greener’ aircraft. to reduce the environmental flow generated by a fractal
impact of future air travel. The square grid using the high-
Imperial has a large population of next symposium (Green Aviation order flow solver Incompact3d
PhD students engaged in green 2014) was held in Beijing in with 8,100 computational
aviation research and this has collaboration with Beihang cores on ARCHER, the UK
been expanded recently with the University and included speakers supercomputing facility.
award of a prestigious EPSRC from a selection of Chinese
Centre for Doctoral training in aviation organisations and from 2
‘Fluid Dynamics across Scales’. leading international aerospace
Over a period of five years this companies to ensure a truly 3
centre will train 75 additional global perspective. l
Further information
1 1) Simulation of the capability
of a structural health monitoring
runs flagship postgraduate PhD students many of who will system to detect barely visible
MSc courses in computational focus on computational and impact damage in a composite
techniques for fluid mechanics experimental aerodynamics for wing using dynamic explicit
and fluid-structure interaction, more efficient future aircraft. finite element analysis of
and in the science, technology ultrasonic wave propagation
and engineering of advanced ENGAGING WITH THE GREEN (part of EU FP7 project SARISTU)
composites. Both of these MSc AVIATION COMMUNITY 2) Noise reduction investigations
courses produce graduates The Green Aviation Forum at using a fractal spoiler
with specialist knowledge and Imperial led by the Department mounted on a reduced-size
skills essential for addressing of Aeronautics has run two very wing. Wings and spoilers with
the demanding environmental successful symposiums (Green fractal trailing edges rather
issues facing aviation. Recently Aviation 2011 & 2012) in London than fractal porosity have also
an Advanced Aeronautical where aviation sector leaders been investigated showing very
Engineering MSc course has have addressed large audiences significant noise reduction with
been launched to train existing of specialists from industry, an accompanying increase in
engineers in the fundamentals academia, government and the lift to drag ratio.
of new enabling technologies press on the steps being taken 3) Simulation of turbulent
required for ‘greener’ aircraft. to reduce the environmental flow generated by a fractal
impact of future air travel. The square grid using the high-
Imperial has a large population of next symposium (Green Aviation order flow solver Incompact3d
PhD students engaged in green 2014) was held in Beijing in with 8,100 computational
aviation research and this has collaboration with Beihang cores on ARCHER, the UK
been expanded recently with the University and included speakers supercomputing facility.
award of a prestigious EPSRC from a selection of Chinese
Centre for Doctoral training in aviation organisations and from 2
‘Fluid Dynamics across Scales’. leading international aerospace
Over a period of five years this companies to ensure a truly 3
centre will train 75 additional global perspective. l
Further information