Page 55 - European Energy Innovation - Summer 2015 publication
P. 55
Summer 2015 European Energy Innovation 55
of economic and social growth, LIGHTWEIGHT TABLET
whilst balancing the important CABIN COMPUTERS
climate change objectives. EQUIPMENT REPLACING
However, the process at ICAO has PILOT
shown encouraging momentum RETRO-FITTING MANUALS
and the industry is confident that WINGLETS
a comprehensive agreement on SLIMLINE SEATS -
a MBM will play an important role LOWER WEIGHT
in the sustainable development
of aviation. It is vital that this CONTINUOUS TAXIING ON ONE ENGINE
agreement is global in nature DESCENT AND
and preserves fair competition CLIMB OPERATIONS FIXED ELECTRICAL
between airlines. GROUND POWER
In the last few months, there became the first ‘bioport’ in the project which began in Europe
have been a number of positive world as alternative aviation fuel and has now been rolled-out
developments showing real, produced from used cooking oil worldwide. ACI member airports
on-the-ground progress towards became part of the normal fuel have committed to the shared
meeting our industry-wide goals: mix for flights by SAS, KLM and goal of cutting emissions from
the Lufthansa Group airlines. This their operations and aiming to
French-American joint venture is a significant achievement and become carbon neutral. The
CFM International’s new LEAP Oslo will be followed by other programme works by setting four
engine is being used in new airports around the world as this levels of accreditation: mapping,
aircraft models from Boeing and alternative source of energy is reduction, optimisation and
Airbus. The LEAP engine has been used on more and more flights. neutrality. Airports can begin
made using new materials called the accreditation process by
ceramic matrix composites, which Another company, LanzaTech, has submitting carbon assessments
are far lighter than the traditional identified another waste product and gradually develop
metallic alloys and can withstand that can be used to create jet fuel: environmental policies so as to
higher temperatures. This makes industrial waste gases. Through achieve the overall goal of carbon
them ideal for jet engines as it a process of “carbon capture and neutrality.
removes the need for expending reuse”, these waste gases can be
additional energy on cooling converted into fuel and used to These initiatives are only a small
systems. New advances in engine power aircraft, rather than being cross-section of the wide range of
technology are also being rolled emitted into the atmosphere actions being taken throughout
out at Rolls-Royce who tested a with no benefit. LanzaTech have the aviation industry. When taken
composite carbon/titanium fan recently gone into partnership together, these demonstrate real
blade in October last year. This with Virgin Atlantic, who aim to progress toward cutting aviation
lightweight fan blade, which will use this type of fuel on two routes emissions and achieving the
accompany a composite engine in the next few years. global climate goals. l
casing, is expected to reduce
carbon emissions by roughly 20% A similar accreditation Contact details:
compared to older models. programme is in place for Air Transport Action Group, Geneva
airports through Airport Tel: +41 79 429 8710
The development of sustainable Council International’s (ACI) Web:
alternative aviation fuels has Airport Carbon Accreditation
been a long term ambition of
the industry and progress, too,
has recently been made on
this front. In April, Oslo Airport
of economic and social growth, LIGHTWEIGHT TABLET
whilst balancing the important CABIN COMPUTERS
climate change objectives. EQUIPMENT REPLACING
However, the process at ICAO has PILOT
shown encouraging momentum RETRO-FITTING MANUALS
and the industry is confident that WINGLETS
a comprehensive agreement on SLIMLINE SEATS -
a MBM will play an important role LOWER WEIGHT
in the sustainable development
of aviation. It is vital that this CONTINUOUS TAXIING ON ONE ENGINE
agreement is global in nature DESCENT AND
and preserves fair competition CLIMB OPERATIONS FIXED ELECTRICAL
between airlines. GROUND POWER
In the last few months, there became the first ‘bioport’ in the project which began in Europe
have been a number of positive world as alternative aviation fuel and has now been rolled-out
developments showing real, produced from used cooking oil worldwide. ACI member airports
on-the-ground progress towards became part of the normal fuel have committed to the shared
meeting our industry-wide goals: mix for flights by SAS, KLM and goal of cutting emissions from
the Lufthansa Group airlines. This their operations and aiming to
French-American joint venture is a significant achievement and become carbon neutral. The
CFM International’s new LEAP Oslo will be followed by other programme works by setting four
engine is being used in new airports around the world as this levels of accreditation: mapping,
aircraft models from Boeing and alternative source of energy is reduction, optimisation and
Airbus. The LEAP engine has been used on more and more flights. neutrality. Airports can begin
made using new materials called the accreditation process by
ceramic matrix composites, which Another company, LanzaTech, has submitting carbon assessments
are far lighter than the traditional identified another waste product and gradually develop
metallic alloys and can withstand that can be used to create jet fuel: environmental policies so as to
higher temperatures. This makes industrial waste gases. Through achieve the overall goal of carbon
them ideal for jet engines as it a process of “carbon capture and neutrality.
removes the need for expending reuse”, these waste gases can be
additional energy on cooling converted into fuel and used to These initiatives are only a small
systems. New advances in engine power aircraft, rather than being cross-section of the wide range of
technology are also being rolled emitted into the atmosphere actions being taken throughout
out at Rolls-Royce who tested a with no benefit. LanzaTech have the aviation industry. When taken
composite carbon/titanium fan recently gone into partnership together, these demonstrate real
blade in October last year. This with Virgin Atlantic, who aim to progress toward cutting aviation
lightweight fan blade, which will use this type of fuel on two routes emissions and achieving the
accompany a composite engine in the next few years. global climate goals. l
casing, is expected to reduce
carbon emissions by roughly 20% A similar accreditation Contact details:
compared to older models. programme is in place for Air Transport Action Group, Geneva
airports through Airport Tel: +41 79 429 8710
The development of sustainable Council International’s (ACI) Web:
alternative aviation fuels has Airport Carbon Accreditation
been a long term ambition of
the industry and progress, too,
has recently been made on
this front. In April, Oslo Airport