Page 71 - European Energy Innovation - Summer 2015 publication
P. 71
Summer 2015 European Energy Innovation 71
• to build an online decision Bioenergy Support Centres has streams through intermediate
support tool to assist with been established in each of pyrolysis and assess pyrolysis
the investment process and the five regions to disseminate products - oil, gas and biochar
decide where to locate future information about alternative -, the energy output and the
bioenergy plants. solutions and innovative emissions quality. The Pyrofabs
bioenergy technologies by acting are housed in mobile containers
• to demonstrate the combined as an information hub in each so they can be easily transported
operation of innovative country. Each Centre offers free and are about to embark on
bioenergy technologies at a services including expert advice, a European tour of France,
commercial scale and to test testing, workshops and seminars, Germany, the Netherlands and
a range of biomass and waste access to funding etc. and help Sweden from July 2015.
streams. organisations understand the
market opportunity and develop The case for increased
• to identify at least new 25 innovative bioenergy solutions. government investment
sites which are suitable for the and policy support for new
development of new bioenergy BioenNW is working to create technologies such as the
schemes and developing five a much needed bioenergy Pyroformer™ is strong. Bioenergy
of these to the point of build by supply chain within each region. offers significant business, as
the end of 2015. Sourcing local waste for biomass well as environmental, benefits.
to run bioenergy technologies In 2009 the UK government
SUPPORT THROUGHOUT without having to transport it estimated that the global market
NORTH WEST EUROPE long distances is crucial for the for low carbon goods and
The development of bioenergy future. Project partners have been services was worth around £3
technology is a priority working with businesses that trillion a year and could be worth
particularly for the West Midlands, produce waste - such as food £4.5 trillion by 2015.
where BioenNW Lead Partner and agricultural waste - to test
EBRI is based. Birmingham’s it for suitability as a bioenergy BioenNW is committed to
location at the heart of the UK feedstock and reduce the amount providing real-life solutions
means geographical constraints of waste being sent to landfill. for tackling biomass-based
limit the region’s potential to waste and residues with both
generate renewable energy PROMOTING THE USE OF environmental and financial
from alternative technologies. INNOVATIVE BIOENERGY benefits for households,
This is also the case for the other TECHNOLOGY businesses and local authorities,
BioenNW regions: Ill-de-France, To enable the testing of waste as well as opportunities for wider
Wallonia, Eindhoven and North and residues for suitability for industry collaboration. l
Rhine Westphalia. It means the bioenergy applications, two
need to provide focal points mobile testing units – ‘Pyrofabs’ To find out more about BioenNW and the
for regional business support, – have been constructed. European Pyrofab tour, visit
technology transfer and growth Each Pyrofab consists of a
opportunities has never been ‘Pyroformer™’ – an innovative
more important. bioenergy technology (developed
by EBRI). The Pyrofabs are able
A European Network of to process biomass and waste
• to build an online decision Bioenergy Support Centres has streams through intermediate
support tool to assist with been established in each of pyrolysis and assess pyrolysis
the investment process and the five regions to disseminate products - oil, gas and biochar
decide where to locate future information about alternative -, the energy output and the
bioenergy plants. solutions and innovative emissions quality. The Pyrofabs
bioenergy technologies by acting are housed in mobile containers
• to demonstrate the combined as an information hub in each so they can be easily transported
operation of innovative country. Each Centre offers free and are about to embark on
bioenergy technologies at a services including expert advice, a European tour of France,
commercial scale and to test testing, workshops and seminars, Germany, the Netherlands and
a range of biomass and waste access to funding etc. and help Sweden from July 2015.
streams. organisations understand the
market opportunity and develop The case for increased
• to identify at least new 25 innovative bioenergy solutions. government investment
sites which are suitable for the and policy support for new
development of new bioenergy BioenNW is working to create technologies such as the
schemes and developing five a much needed bioenergy Pyroformer™ is strong. Bioenergy
of these to the point of build by supply chain within each region. offers significant business, as
the end of 2015. Sourcing local waste for biomass well as environmental, benefits.
to run bioenergy technologies In 2009 the UK government
SUPPORT THROUGHOUT without having to transport it estimated that the global market
NORTH WEST EUROPE long distances is crucial for the for low carbon goods and
The development of bioenergy future. Project partners have been services was worth around £3
technology is a priority working with businesses that trillion a year and could be worth
particularly for the West Midlands, produce waste - such as food £4.5 trillion by 2015.
where BioenNW Lead Partner and agricultural waste - to test
EBRI is based. Birmingham’s it for suitability as a bioenergy BioenNW is committed to
location at the heart of the UK feedstock and reduce the amount providing real-life solutions
means geographical constraints of waste being sent to landfill. for tackling biomass-based
limit the region’s potential to waste and residues with both
generate renewable energy PROMOTING THE USE OF environmental and financial
from alternative technologies. INNOVATIVE BIOENERGY benefits for households,
This is also the case for the other TECHNOLOGY businesses and local authorities,
BioenNW regions: Ill-de-France, To enable the testing of waste as well as opportunities for wider
Wallonia, Eindhoven and North and residues for suitability for industry collaboration. l
Rhine Westphalia. It means the bioenergy applications, two
need to provide focal points mobile testing units – ‘Pyrofabs’ To find out more about BioenNW and the
for regional business support, – have been constructed. European Pyrofab tour, visit
technology transfer and growth Each Pyrofab consists of a
opportunities has never been ‘Pyroformer™’ – an innovative
more important. bioenergy technology (developed
by EBRI). The Pyrofabs are able
A European Network of to process biomass and waste