Page 75 - European Energy Innovation - Summer 2015 publication
P. 75
Summer 2015 European Energy Innovation 75
consumption by 2020. The bio jet Sustainable Aviati
fuels face a barrier relating to the
high cost of their production and European Energy
deployment. In fact, bio jet fuels
are 2-4 times more expensive Summer Issue
than fossil jet fuels. Furthermore,
the limited availability implies Transport emission are rapidly rising - now accounting
that there is not yet a competitive emissions – they are projected to become the largest so
market for bio jet fuels. On the fastest growing transport modality worldwide with a p
other hand, the cost will decrease Considering that the aviation sector is responsible for a
once the production volumes gas emissions, the so-called “bio-jet” will have an increa
increase and more producers
enter the market. There is a great In addition to environmental concerns, Europe faces
willingness perceived among dependence on fossil fuels imports and particularly di
airline operators – many of nearly 220.000 jobs in Europe, proudly supporting Eur
them showed interest in flying Europe’s imports of fossil fuels and animal feeds, bio
on bio jet fuels, but lack the harmful chemicals in food, pharmaceutical or cosmetics
financial resources to overcome
the significant cost imbalances Aviation biofuel can play a safe and effective role in
caused by the utilization of higher confirmed that sustainably produced biofuels reduce ca
blends of sustainable fuel with to petroleum, and should play a key role in supporting
traditional kerosene. goals.
A sectorial approach is needed “EBB members offer EU – made products, reducing gre
to avoid the usage of fossil jet Europe can make the choice of promoting both Eur
fuels and improve the usage of leading role in tackling climate change adverse effe
bio jet fuels without impacting Secretary General.
competitiveness of airlines.
The amount of emissions from aviation is set to accou
These conclusions illustrate that emissions by 2050. Keeping this in mind, rather than se
biofuels still represent today the should facilitate and promote the transition from stan
only viable solution to decarbonize currently the only viable option the industry has to sig
the EU aviation sector in the post- term. Such sources of carbon abatement as: cabin
2020 perspective. l emission trading schemes are insignificant compared to
Contact details: In the longer term, i.e. between 2020 and 2030
commercialization, thus increasing bio jet production
EBB - European Biodiesel Board technologies to meet the increasing demand for sus
Boulevard Saint-Michel, 34 market’s demand, a separate mandate for biofuels in av
1040 Bruxelles
Tel: +32 (0)2 763 2477 At present three main types of bio-jet are favoured to
Fax: +32 (0)2 763 0457 kerosene (up to 50% - as this is the limit allowed by th
Email: the globally recognized certification body):
consumption by 2020. The bio jet Sustainable Aviati
fuels face a barrier relating to the
high cost of their production and European Energy
deployment. In fact, bio jet fuels
are 2-4 times more expensive Summer Issue
than fossil jet fuels. Furthermore,
the limited availability implies Transport emission are rapidly rising - now accounting
that there is not yet a competitive emissions – they are projected to become the largest so
market for bio jet fuels. On the fastest growing transport modality worldwide with a p
other hand, the cost will decrease Considering that the aviation sector is responsible for a
once the production volumes gas emissions, the so-called “bio-jet” will have an increa
increase and more producers
enter the market. There is a great In addition to environmental concerns, Europe faces
willingness perceived among dependence on fossil fuels imports and particularly di
airline operators – many of nearly 220.000 jobs in Europe, proudly supporting Eur
them showed interest in flying Europe’s imports of fossil fuels and animal feeds, bio
on bio jet fuels, but lack the harmful chemicals in food, pharmaceutical or cosmetics
financial resources to overcome
the significant cost imbalances Aviation biofuel can play a safe and effective role in
caused by the utilization of higher confirmed that sustainably produced biofuels reduce ca
blends of sustainable fuel with to petroleum, and should play a key role in supporting
traditional kerosene. goals.
A sectorial approach is needed “EBB members offer EU – made products, reducing gre
to avoid the usage of fossil jet Europe can make the choice of promoting both Eur
fuels and improve the usage of leading role in tackling climate change adverse effe
bio jet fuels without impacting Secretary General.
competitiveness of airlines.
The amount of emissions from aviation is set to accou
These conclusions illustrate that emissions by 2050. Keeping this in mind, rather than se
biofuels still represent today the should facilitate and promote the transition from stan
only viable solution to decarbonize currently the only viable option the industry has to sig
the EU aviation sector in the post- term. Such sources of carbon abatement as: cabin
2020 perspective. l emission trading schemes are insignificant compared to
Contact details: In the longer term, i.e. between 2020 and 2030
commercialization, thus increasing bio jet production
EBB - European Biodiesel Board technologies to meet the increasing demand for sus
Boulevard Saint-Michel, 34 market’s demand, a separate mandate for biofuels in av
1040 Bruxelles
Tel: +32 (0)2 763 2477 At present three main types of bio-jet are favoured to
Fax: +32 (0)2 763 0457 kerosene (up to 50% - as this is the limit allowed by th
Email: the globally recognized certification body):