Page 80 - European Energy Innovation - Summer 2015 publication
P. 80
Summer 2015 European Energy Innovation
triple dividend: environment achieve the ambitious target of countries with more resources,
protection, economic growth and 31% renewables in 2020 and thereby reducing the total cost of
employment. The GTR addresses, exceed 60% of renewables in end European decarbonisation and
for the first time in Portugal electricity consumption. attracting projects, investment
in a cross-cutting way, all the and employment to the exporting
sectors and natural resources. It These are the Portuguese countries. This is a change in
includes a long list of taxes and objectives for Paris. The paradigm for Portugal, from
fiscal incentives, to foster electric countdown to COP21 is already a good user to an exporter of
mobility and energy efficiency, running and there is no room renewables.
and introduces a carbon tax in for hesitation, since fight against
the non-ETS sector with the levy climate change is already Portugal is in tenth place on
linked to the ETS allowances happening and is more and more “The Global Energy Architecture
price. With GTR we are taxing urgent. According to all relevant Performance Index 2015”. We
more what we burn and less what and consistent scientific and climb eight places in a year in
we earn, which allowed us to economic assessment, addressing terms of energy competitiveness,
generate an income that will allow climate change is urgent but it accessibility and sustainability.
to give fiscal benefits to families, is also manageable and it can We are able to reach a higher
through the personal income be cost-effective. Having met position and be a green energy
taxation reduction. the Kyoto Protocol goals for leader in the world, turning
2012, Portugal will overachieve the picture of a green daily life
Our journey to Green Growth 2020-targets and is advocating into reality. We have not only
began last April, after a year very ambitious targets for EU and expertise in renewable energy,
of planning and developing Portugal by 2030. smart grids, energy efficiency
a document that includes and electric mobility, but we
more than 74 institutional Furthermore, the climate and also benefit from an ambitious,
and personal contributions, energy package for 2030 is predictable environment based
when the Government and also an opportunity for Europe in green taxation and climate,
the 82 organizations from policies against climate changes. environment and energy targets
civil society signed the Green The agreement reached by beyond the EU 2030 framework.
Growth Commitment: this is our the European Council and Now we need to transport all
sustainability development path particularly the 2030 targets this energy to Europe, exploring
that sets 14 targets to 2020 and for greenhouse gas emissions, our natural resources, our smart
2030 and 111 initiatives to unlock renewable energy, energy grids technologies, promoting
the green growth and green efficiency and interconnections innovation and the energy
jobs potential in Portugal and (setting 10% interconnection for highways. When someone asks
ensuring ambition, stability and 2020 and 15% to 2030) is the me if it is possible to foster a
predictability to green growth fundamental framework in this comprehensive, fair and cost-
politics. One of these targets context. Interconnections would effective climate deal, my answer
sets more ambitious figures have the benefit of allowing a is always yes, a green economy is
for renewable energy: in 2013, number of European countries to more competitive and sustainable
renewable energy generation meet their increasingly ambitious and nowadays environment and
accounted for 27% of end energy national targets for renewable energy are no longer enemies,
use and 58% in electricity. We energy and greenhouse gas they are good and faithful
are therefore in a position to emissions by importing from partners. l
triple dividend: environment achieve the ambitious target of countries with more resources,
protection, economic growth and 31% renewables in 2020 and thereby reducing the total cost of
employment. The GTR addresses, exceed 60% of renewables in end European decarbonisation and
for the first time in Portugal electricity consumption. attracting projects, investment
in a cross-cutting way, all the and employment to the exporting
sectors and natural resources. It These are the Portuguese countries. This is a change in
includes a long list of taxes and objectives for Paris. The paradigm for Portugal, from
fiscal incentives, to foster electric countdown to COP21 is already a good user to an exporter of
mobility and energy efficiency, running and there is no room renewables.
and introduces a carbon tax in for hesitation, since fight against
the non-ETS sector with the levy climate change is already Portugal is in tenth place on
linked to the ETS allowances happening and is more and more “The Global Energy Architecture
price. With GTR we are taxing urgent. According to all relevant Performance Index 2015”. We
more what we burn and less what and consistent scientific and climb eight places in a year in
we earn, which allowed us to economic assessment, addressing terms of energy competitiveness,
generate an income that will allow climate change is urgent but it accessibility and sustainability.
to give fiscal benefits to families, is also manageable and it can We are able to reach a higher
through the personal income be cost-effective. Having met position and be a green energy
taxation reduction. the Kyoto Protocol goals for leader in the world, turning
2012, Portugal will overachieve the picture of a green daily life
Our journey to Green Growth 2020-targets and is advocating into reality. We have not only
began last April, after a year very ambitious targets for EU and expertise in renewable energy,
of planning and developing Portugal by 2030. smart grids, energy efficiency
a document that includes and electric mobility, but we
more than 74 institutional Furthermore, the climate and also benefit from an ambitious,
and personal contributions, energy package for 2030 is predictable environment based
when the Government and also an opportunity for Europe in green taxation and climate,
the 82 organizations from policies against climate changes. environment and energy targets
civil society signed the Green The agreement reached by beyond the EU 2030 framework.
Growth Commitment: this is our the European Council and Now we need to transport all
sustainability development path particularly the 2030 targets this energy to Europe, exploring
that sets 14 targets to 2020 and for greenhouse gas emissions, our natural resources, our smart
2030 and 111 initiatives to unlock renewable energy, energy grids technologies, promoting
the green growth and green efficiency and interconnections innovation and the energy
jobs potential in Portugal and (setting 10% interconnection for highways. When someone asks
ensuring ambition, stability and 2020 and 15% to 2030) is the me if it is possible to foster a
predictability to green growth fundamental framework in this comprehensive, fair and cost-
politics. One of these targets context. Interconnections would effective climate deal, my answer
sets more ambitious figures have the benefit of allowing a is always yes, a green economy is
for renewable energy: in 2013, number of European countries to more competitive and sustainable
renewable energy generation meet their increasingly ambitious and nowadays environment and
accounted for 27% of end energy national targets for renewable energy are no longer enemies,
use and 58% in electricity. We energy and greenhouse gas they are good and faithful
are therefore in a position to emissions by importing from partners. l