Page 81 - European Energy Innovation - Summer 2015 publication
P. 81
Summer 2015 European Energy Innovation 81
Would an Energy Broadband
push the EU’s agenda forward?
By Carlos Zorrinho, MEP – S&D Group, European Parliament
The society we live in is less protected, information is on Fund for Strategic Investments
increasingly shaped by the net, available for its users at and the Connecting Europe
the access to information any given time and in any given Facility, the European Union may
and by the knowledge place. Energy, on the contrary, is have available, within a decade
and use that institutions, distributed inefficiently through an energy broadband. In this
enterprises and citizens make of a grid to consumers who don’t context, energy will progressively
it. To a large extent, the conditions have any control over the process. be online, an Enernet that will
to access information and These consumers rather are the allow each user to access, in each
knowledge and the capacity to victims of geostrategic, national moment, the most efficient and
use them determine the context and regional power games and competitive energy available.
needed to create wealth and dependencies.
qualified work opportunities. The joint development of the
The digital agenda anticipates the Digital Union and the Energy
The information cloud together future, while energy markets are
with faster and stronger internet still anchored to the glorious past Carlos Zorrinho
created a platform of distribution, of the industrial revolution. In the
value creation and development digital domain, the last mile in the
of new business models and new connection between consumers
social responses. This evolution and their needs is already being
demands a quantum leap in covered, while in energy the
the approach to the new digital challenge is to recreate a new
society. model on the ashes of failed
single energy markets attempts.
New opportunities and
challenges emerge every day. The good news is that we find
A significant part of these new ourselves in a very favourable
opportunities arises in the situation for this to change. In
dividing line between the impact order for Europe to tackle the
of the digital agenda in the social risk of shortage of supply, the
and economic organization and EU decided to develop a newer
the industrial model to produce framework for a European energy
and use energy. market – the Energy Union.
The digital society makes the With new planned
use of energy more efficient. interconnections and the
Nonetheless, a fundamental convergence of powerful financial
dichotomy still survives. More or instruments like the European
1 MEP S&D - Member of ITRE and ENVI Committees
Would an Energy Broadband
push the EU’s agenda forward?
By Carlos Zorrinho, MEP – S&D Group, European Parliament
The society we live in is less protected, information is on Fund for Strategic Investments
increasingly shaped by the net, available for its users at and the Connecting Europe
the access to information any given time and in any given Facility, the European Union may
and by the knowledge place. Energy, on the contrary, is have available, within a decade
and use that institutions, distributed inefficiently through an energy broadband. In this
enterprises and citizens make of a grid to consumers who don’t context, energy will progressively
it. To a large extent, the conditions have any control over the process. be online, an Enernet that will
to access information and These consumers rather are the allow each user to access, in each
knowledge and the capacity to victims of geostrategic, national moment, the most efficient and
use them determine the context and regional power games and competitive energy available.
needed to create wealth and dependencies.
qualified work opportunities. The joint development of the
The digital agenda anticipates the Digital Union and the Energy
The information cloud together future, while energy markets are
with faster and stronger internet still anchored to the glorious past Carlos Zorrinho
created a platform of distribution, of the industrial revolution. In the
value creation and development digital domain, the last mile in the
of new business models and new connection between consumers
social responses. This evolution and their needs is already being
demands a quantum leap in covered, while in energy the
the approach to the new digital challenge is to recreate a new
society. model on the ashes of failed
single energy markets attempts.
New opportunities and
challenges emerge every day. The good news is that we find
A significant part of these new ourselves in a very favourable
opportunities arises in the situation for this to change. In
dividing line between the impact order for Europe to tackle the
of the digital agenda in the social risk of shortage of supply, the
and economic organization and EU decided to develop a newer
the industrial model to produce framework for a European energy
and use energy. market – the Energy Union.
The digital society makes the With new planned
use of energy more efficient. interconnections and the
Nonetheless, a fundamental convergence of powerful financial
dichotomy still survives. More or instruments like the European
1 MEP S&D - Member of ITRE and ENVI Committees