Page 82 - European Energy Innovation - Summer 2015 publication
P. 82
Summer 2015 European Energy Innovation
Union constitutes a great The EU must assure, and this is create a thriving social market for
opportunity for the European a key condition, once the supply elderly populations’ support and
Union. In today’s highly shortages are overcome, Member inclusion.
complex world, the European States will come together to lead
Union needs to step up its the implementation of an energy The European Union needs
competitiveness and take the broadband that will serve as a to assume a leading role with
lead in promoting a more reference to future developments reference to these three strategic
sustainable development model in other regions of the globe. It’s points. A perfect combination of
on a global scale. This is a truly an opportunity to turn a weakness new technologies - in particular
mobilizing strategic purpose into a strength, a threat into a digital ones - with an easy and
that takes back the humanist chance. competitive access to the energy
principles behind the European broadband net is needed in order
Union. It also represents an With this strategic movement in to bring together services and
economic chance for a region the field of economic and social people and develop jobs and
losing its competitiveness to choices, the European Union can value creation platforms.
transform its high social and also transform other threats into
environmental protection opportunities. It’s the case of the Along this vision, products and
standards into opportunities. smart bet in urban renewal, in the business models with a high
generalized adoption of electric potential of internationalization
None of this will happen on mobility or in the development will be developed, as they
its own. It will require a strong of a new integrated policy to anticipate solutions to needs that
political will in fine tuning create favourable environments to tend to be increasingly global.
between the available research, elderly populations.
innovation and investment Investments will allow the
tools and a consistent bet I chose these three examples European Union to still maintain
in interoperability of public because they relate directly with itself on the frontline of the
information and interaction three key problems that the fight against global warming
between these systems and European Union has to address and climate change, keeping its
enterprises and citizens. in order to grow in a sustainable important contribution to the
manner: the resurgence of a planet’s sustainability.
Portugal, with its capability to put new generation of construction
in work an internal smart energy industry specialized in the The Enernet can make a difference.
network, which assures that rehabilitation and in the It could be the turning point for
more than 65% of produced and ergonomic and energy efficiency a stagnated European Union in
successfully distributed electricity of buildings; a new impetus for need of a new start. A new start
within the country is renewable, industrialization based on smart to win, and to lead the age of
shows us that change is possible. mobility; and the capacity to transition towards a better world. l
Union constitutes a great The EU must assure, and this is create a thriving social market for
opportunity for the European a key condition, once the supply elderly populations’ support and
Union. In today’s highly shortages are overcome, Member inclusion.
complex world, the European States will come together to lead
Union needs to step up its the implementation of an energy The European Union needs
competitiveness and take the broadband that will serve as a to assume a leading role with
lead in promoting a more reference to future developments reference to these three strategic
sustainable development model in other regions of the globe. It’s points. A perfect combination of
on a global scale. This is a truly an opportunity to turn a weakness new technologies - in particular
mobilizing strategic purpose into a strength, a threat into a digital ones - with an easy and
that takes back the humanist chance. competitive access to the energy
principles behind the European broadband net is needed in order
Union. It also represents an With this strategic movement in to bring together services and
economic chance for a region the field of economic and social people and develop jobs and
losing its competitiveness to choices, the European Union can value creation platforms.
transform its high social and also transform other threats into
environmental protection opportunities. It’s the case of the Along this vision, products and
standards into opportunities. smart bet in urban renewal, in the business models with a high
generalized adoption of electric potential of internationalization
None of this will happen on mobility or in the development will be developed, as they
its own. It will require a strong of a new integrated policy to anticipate solutions to needs that
political will in fine tuning create favourable environments to tend to be increasingly global.
between the available research, elderly populations.
innovation and investment Investments will allow the
tools and a consistent bet I chose these three examples European Union to still maintain
in interoperability of public because they relate directly with itself on the frontline of the
information and interaction three key problems that the fight against global warming
between these systems and European Union has to address and climate change, keeping its
enterprises and citizens. in order to grow in a sustainable important contribution to the
manner: the resurgence of a planet’s sustainability.
Portugal, with its capability to put new generation of construction
in work an internal smart energy industry specialized in the The Enernet can make a difference.
network, which assures that rehabilitation and in the It could be the turning point for
more than 65% of produced and ergonomic and energy efficiency a stagnated European Union in
successfully distributed electricity of buildings; a new impetus for need of a new start. A new start
within the country is renewable, industrialization based on smart to win, and to lead the age of
shows us that change is possible. mobility; and the capacity to transition towards a better world. l