Page 87 - European Energy Innovation - Summer 2015 publication
P. 87
Summer 2015 European Energy Innovation 87
INNOVATION AND MARKET easier and less risky for operators Package, adopted in February,
UPTAKE—BUILDING A MORE and infrastructure managers called for removing barriers to
ATTRACTIVE EUROPEAN RAIL to adopt the new technologies less greenhouse gas intensive
SYSTEM WITH SHIFT2RAIL which will allow end users to modes of transport, such as rail.
To truly reap the green benefits benefit from the technologies Finally, UNIFE fully supports the
of rail transport, making the sooner. efforts of DG-Move to digitalise
rail system more attractive is the European rail system—and
essential—in order to do this, Energy efficiency and sees this as another opportunity
technological innovation must sustainability are among the for the sector to collaborate with
be nurtured and developed key concerns addressed by the the EU to make the rail system
technologies must be deployed Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking and both more attractive to end users
on the rail system. An attractive Key Performance Indicators will and more energy efficient.
railway is one that passengers be used to measure outputs
and freight forwarders want of the initiative and evaluate In order to further progress
to use, it has a high-capacity, reduction in energy consumption. towards more sustainable
is very reliable, and it is cost Furthermore, the Shift2Rail cross- mobility, adequate financing,
competitive. The rail industry and cutting activity on energy and at both EU and national level,
UNIFE has had a long history of sustainability aims at integrating should be ensured for rail-bound
collaborating with the EU on rail energy efficiency topics in all five projects in light of their high
research—this has produced some Innovation Programmes. All of economic, environmental and
very successful results especially the Innovation Programmes will social impacts. UNIFE would
in the areas of energy efficiency develop technological solutions like to highlight that rail is by far
and reduced environmental that boost energy efficiency, the largest provider of electric
impact. However these results such as: propulsion components, mobility for both urban and
have not always been easily lightweight car bodies and low interurban transport, providing
absorbed by the rail system. This resistance running gears. high transport capacities with
was the focus of the preparatory the best modal energy efficiency.
work, campaign and subsequent A STEP FURTHER In addition to the undoubtable
adoption of the regulation The strategies and investments environmental benefits of electric
establishing the Shift2Rail Joint made by the EU and the sector to mobility; light rail, metros and
Undertaking in June 2014 by the revolutionise and further develop commuter trains contribute to
EU Institutions. This initiative, with the rail system are commendable, easing congestion, with positive
total funding no less than €920 but there is still more that can be impacts in terms of quality of life,
million (€450M from the EU’s done. In the framework of the productivity and Europe’s energy
Horizon2020, and €470M from EU 2030 Framework for Energy security. As a consequence,
the broader rail sector), takes a and Climate, UNIFE will continue rail-bound solutions should be
long-term, system-wide approach to advocate a specific target for the starting point of any future
to improving the capacity and CO2 emissions reduction in the EU policies aimed at promoting
reliability of the rail system while transport sector and will promote sustainable transport. l
reducing its lifecycle cost—thus further pricing mechanisms such
making the rail system more as road charging or the use of Contact detials:
attractive and encouraging modal the Emissions Trading System UNIFE - the European Rail Industry
shift. In addition to developing (ETS) revenues to finance rail. 221, avenue Louise
cutting edge technologies, the Moreover, UNIFE would like to B-1050 Brussels
Shift2Rail technical programme see a true transport pillar in the Tel +32 26437080
places a major emphasis on architecture of the EU’s energy Mob +32 485213482
market uptake by ensuring that policy. In this regard, the industry
developed technologies are was pleased to see that European
integrated and tested on the Commission Vice-President Maroš
different rail platforms—making it Šefčovič’s landmark Energy Union
INNOVATION AND MARKET easier and less risky for operators Package, adopted in February,
UPTAKE—BUILDING A MORE and infrastructure managers called for removing barriers to
ATTRACTIVE EUROPEAN RAIL to adopt the new technologies less greenhouse gas intensive
SYSTEM WITH SHIFT2RAIL which will allow end users to modes of transport, such as rail.
To truly reap the green benefits benefit from the technologies Finally, UNIFE fully supports the
of rail transport, making the sooner. efforts of DG-Move to digitalise
rail system more attractive is the European rail system—and
essential—in order to do this, Energy efficiency and sees this as another opportunity
technological innovation must sustainability are among the for the sector to collaborate with
be nurtured and developed key concerns addressed by the the EU to make the rail system
technologies must be deployed Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking and both more attractive to end users
on the rail system. An attractive Key Performance Indicators will and more energy efficient.
railway is one that passengers be used to measure outputs
and freight forwarders want of the initiative and evaluate In order to further progress
to use, it has a high-capacity, reduction in energy consumption. towards more sustainable
is very reliable, and it is cost Furthermore, the Shift2Rail cross- mobility, adequate financing,
competitive. The rail industry and cutting activity on energy and at both EU and national level,
UNIFE has had a long history of sustainability aims at integrating should be ensured for rail-bound
collaborating with the EU on rail energy efficiency topics in all five projects in light of their high
research—this has produced some Innovation Programmes. All of economic, environmental and
very successful results especially the Innovation Programmes will social impacts. UNIFE would
in the areas of energy efficiency develop technological solutions like to highlight that rail is by far
and reduced environmental that boost energy efficiency, the largest provider of electric
impact. However these results such as: propulsion components, mobility for both urban and
have not always been easily lightweight car bodies and low interurban transport, providing
absorbed by the rail system. This resistance running gears. high transport capacities with
was the focus of the preparatory the best modal energy efficiency.
work, campaign and subsequent A STEP FURTHER In addition to the undoubtable
adoption of the regulation The strategies and investments environmental benefits of electric
establishing the Shift2Rail Joint made by the EU and the sector to mobility; light rail, metros and
Undertaking in June 2014 by the revolutionise and further develop commuter trains contribute to
EU Institutions. This initiative, with the rail system are commendable, easing congestion, with positive
total funding no less than €920 but there is still more that can be impacts in terms of quality of life,
million (€450M from the EU’s done. In the framework of the productivity and Europe’s energy
Horizon2020, and €470M from EU 2030 Framework for Energy security. As a consequence,
the broader rail sector), takes a and Climate, UNIFE will continue rail-bound solutions should be
long-term, system-wide approach to advocate a specific target for the starting point of any future
to improving the capacity and CO2 emissions reduction in the EU policies aimed at promoting
reliability of the rail system while transport sector and will promote sustainable transport. l
reducing its lifecycle cost—thus further pricing mechanisms such
making the rail system more as road charging or the use of Contact detials:
attractive and encouraging modal the Emissions Trading System UNIFE - the European Rail Industry
shift. In addition to developing (ETS) revenues to finance rail. 221, avenue Louise
cutting edge technologies, the Moreover, UNIFE would like to B-1050 Brussels
Shift2Rail technical programme see a true transport pillar in the Tel +32 26437080
places a major emphasis on architecture of the EU’s energy Mob +32 485213482
market uptake by ensuring that policy. In this regard, the industry
developed technologies are was pleased to see that European
integrated and tested on the Commission Vice-President Maroš
different rail platforms—making it Šefčovič’s landmark Energy Union