Page 33 - European Energy Innovation - Summer 2016 publication
P. 33
Summer 2016 European Energy Innovation 33
Launch of the BAMB Stakeholder
Network, Brussels, May 3rd 2016
On May 3rd, Brussels
Environment, had the
pleasure of hosting the
official Launch of the
BAMB Stakeholder Network on behalf
of the BAMB Project Consortium. The
event was open to all actors in the
building and construction industry,
interested in exchanging ideas
and knowledge and discussing the
information and data needs necessary
to enhance the European knowledge
base. The official launch of the network
introduced the project agenda and
provided actors with the opportunity
to get involved by joining the BAMB
Stakeholder Network.
Extract of the speech by Brussels
Environment, lead partner of the project:
We now know that resources and economy, short circuits and closing
materials are limited and that the the loop … These are some of the key
global linear economic model (extract- words and concepts of this new circular
produce-consume-throw away) cannot economy.
continue. We need a new model for
the way in which cities obtain, transform
and use their resources (water, energy,
materials, food, soil, air, etc.).
It is essential that we manage resources In this context, the European BAMB MORE INFORMATION
effectively in urban environments, (“Buildings as Material Banks”)
particularly as almost half of the world’s project is a practical initiative that is
population lives in cities and this figure attempting to support the transition
is due to rise to over 66% by 2050. towards a circular economy in the built
The linear economic model must now Contact:
move towards a circular model in In such an innovative field as circular
which waste no longer exists but rather construction and economy, exchange of
becomes raw materials and natural information and networking are paramount
resources in accordance with the to help ideas take form. Through the
virtuous circle principle. BAMB Stakeholder Network, the BAMB
Consortium aims to involve relevant
Reuse, repair, recycling, eco-design, stakeholders in the implementation and
resilience, a collaborative and sharing the results of the project. l