Page 37 - European Energy Innovation - Summer 2016 publication
P. 37

Summer 2016 European Energy Innovation    37

                                                               SMART CITIES

DATASETS                                   Roughly 85% of these sets were either     across Europe will be able to identify
The datasets relevant for the CITYkeys     available in the municipal databases      and implement the basic ingredients
KPIs were identified and analysed on       or needed to be generated or were         needed for the implementation of
the basis of their availability, sources,  publicly accessible but not as ‘open      an efficient monitoring and decision
reliability, data access methods,          data’. The availability of around 13%     making system based on city data.
existing data formats, and level of        of the required datasets remains a
confidentiality (   challenge.                                The CITYkeys project will formally
During this process, special attention                                               conclude on 31 January 2017. The
was paid to open datasets.                 In general, the participating cities are  partners and stakeholders are all keenly
                                           urged to automate their data collection   aware of the pervasive and powerful
In January 2016, the availability rates    processes as well as the way they feed    role measurement plays in project
in the partner cities for the datasets     data into the monitoring framework.       management. They have a crucial
needed by smart city KPIs were as          The idea is to help cities benefit more   role to play in how smart cities across
follows: Zaragoza 82%, Vienna 80%,         from the project and also to increase     Europe expand and evolve in the years
Tampere 77%, Rotterdam 71% and             their contribution to the sustainability  to come. l
Zagreb 52%. The average rate was           of CITYkeys results beyond the project’s
72%. The availability rate for open data   termination.                                CONTACT DETAILS
varied between 1% and 25%, and was                                                     Nikolaos Kontinakis
15% on average.                            As a next step, CITYkeys will develop,
                                           and offer the proposed architecture         Tel: +32 2 552 08 46
In total, 116 raw, unprocessed datasets    of a framework for performance
are needed to compile smart city KPIs.     measurement. This way, smart cities
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