Page 41 - European Energy Innovation - Summer 2016 publication
P. 41
Summer 2016 European Energy Innovation 41
responsive acquisition of data along track energy consumption patterns A CHALLENGING IMPLEMENTATION
with increasing computing power at the device level. By tracking each The IoT is sometimes perceived as
enable smart production systems piece of machinery on the floor, more closely linked to consumer
to track energy consumption and managers get granular visibility markets, like to smart thermostats
optimise processes so that they adapt into energy consumption, as well or fridges. However, less than 8% of
and operate with less resources, save as actionable insight about waste, the households have a smart device
energy and identify waste of energy. available efficiencies and more. A great with energy-related functions. Such
This offers tremendous opportunities opportunity for the IoT can be found in penetration is low, and it may be
for our economy and society. some specific application areas too. explained by a difficulty for users to
understand the benefits of the IoT, or
IOT: A BIG BENEFIT FOR ENERGY Smart Cities is one of the examples maybe worries about installing sensors
MARKETS where by using IoT technology, in their house, for privacy and security
The IoT can bring significant benefits the distinct pillars of the modern issues. To unblock the market, the
for energy efficiency. At the level of city (energy, mobility, buildings, Commission has launched in 2016 a
the production of energy, smart grid water management, lighting, waste Focus Area on IoT under its Research
sensors can improve utility operations management, etc.) will become part of and Innovation Programme, Horizon
and performance by better monitoring a structured, interconnected ecosystem. 2020. IoT Large Scale Pilots will be
the energy network, so that resources IoT technologies, by gathering funded to test technology, business
are allocated more precisely and closer information that in the past was either models and standards, and to test with
to the actual demand needs, avoiding impossible or difficult to gather, will real users how much they welcome
energy waste. At the level of the enable optimize public transport (real- the IoT solutions. Even though energy
consumption of energy, smart meters time location, utilization), environmental efficiency is not specifically targeted, it
can provide a wealth of information data, noise, monitoring of waste will be indirectly addressed we believe
that can help minimise energy costs, bins, energy consumption in public through one pilot dedicated to Smart
e.g. through fully automated billing buildings, lighting, etc. Barcelona’s Homes for Independent Living (with
based on time of use or network Energy-Saving Smart Streetlights¹ is a up to 20 Million euros funding) and
status, or enabling meter-to-appliance nice illustration: sensors are installed in another one on Smart Cities (with up to
communications to help consumers streetlights, enabling automatic control 15 Million euros of funding). The pilots
change their behaviour to reduce their of brightness by analysing the levels will hopefully also give useful insights
costs. of noise, air pollution, and population as to what barriers may exist towards
density. Result: at least 30% energy a greater adoption of IoT solutions by
IoT will help industry to optimize the savings per year. consumers, which could eventually lead
use of energy at all stages. It could to policy proposals by the Commission.
reduce the consumption of electricity IoT technologies in Smart Farming
at peak hours by shutting down/ will bring Precision Agriculture and But we find that the biggest
reducing the use of equipment and/ Precision Livestock Farming to another opportunities are rather in the industrial
or production. Lighting/heating/ level: the use of water, fertilizer or adoption of the IoT, including for
cooling will be improved depending heating in green houses, in correlation industrial machines, factories and
of the operational conditions, and/ to the climate or the harvesting buildings. According to a study from
or the weather/time of the day. Taking at optimum maturity will allow a IDC², Smart Manufacturing is projected
advantage of advancements in device more sustainable, productive and to be the largest potential opportunity
connectivity, manufacturers can now competitive EU farm sector. in terms of IoT spending. Consumers