Page 43 - European Energy Innovation - Summer 2016 publication
P. 43

Summer 2016 European Energy Innovation       43



Prosumer Flexibility Services for Smart Grid Management

Flex4Grid aims at creating an
open data and service framework
that enables a novel concept of
managing flexibility of prosumer
demand and generation, utilising
cloud computing for power
grid management and opening
Distribution System Operator
infrastructure for aggregator

MAIN OBJECTIVES                          creation to bring end users into the         Flex4Grid activity will use results from
The advent of distributed power          value creation process.                      preceding research projects as baseline
sources, such as photovoltaics and                                                    to transfer the results into the market
windmill plants, gave rise to energy     System validation will be carried out in     and follows a business-driven approach
prosumers, which generate and            real-world pilots in three live electricity  by exploring new value-generating
consume electrical energy. Energy        networks with different scenarios            service offerings for customers.
demand and energy generation             ranging from deployment during
by prosumers is volatile and can         smart meter rollout and retrofitting to      Active demand response will be
impact the grid infrastructure and       large scale operation and federated          demonstrated in the life electricity
stakeholders, but they can be flexibly   demonstration of multi-site pilots.          networks of all three pilot locations.
adapted to thwart those impacts.                                                      New business models will be deployed
                                         REAL-WORLD EVALUATION IN                     where DSOs, prosumers and the third
Flex4Grid aims at creating an open data  MULTI-SITE DEMONSTRATORS                     party hosting the data manager will act
and service framework that enables a     Three DSOs are part of the consortium        as marketer. Participating companies
novel concept of managing flexibility    and the Flex4Grid system will be             will roll out new services to the market
of prosumer demand and generation,       piloted in their networks, including a       place to ensure business viability of the
utilising cloud computing for power      significant number of prosumers and          project.
grid management and, opening DSO         Flex4Grid gateways that bridge the
infrastructure for aggregator services.  communication between DSOs and               The Flex4Grid system will open new
The system will be built up from         HAN (Home Automation Network) /              markets for third parties via cloud-
existing ICT components that have        Building Management System (BMS).            based services, going beyond smart
been developed by the consortium         These three distribution networks            meters. Applying cloud solutions
partners over many years in research     exhibit different characteristics that       (security, privacy, analytics, predictions
projects on IoT and Cloud computing.     allow validating the Flex4Grid system        for the customer) in the context
This high maturity allows Flex4Grid to   in different scenarios. An iterative         of smart grids will strengthen the
aim for a system prototype of TRL 7.     approach will be applied in order to         competitiveness in this sector. l
                                         ensure a smooth deployment of the
The Flex4Grid system will include a)     Flex4Grid system in settings of growing        CONTACT DETAILS
a data cloud service with anonymised     complexity and size, and to maximise
interface and advanced security and      the feedback on technical and business         Markus Taumberger
privacy mechanisms for data exchange     level.
and service management, b) prosumer                                                     VTT TECHNICAL RESEARCH
generation and demand flexibility,       EXPECTED IMPACT                                CENTRE OF FINLAND LTD
and c) a more viable business model      The system introduced by the
to accelerate the deployment. The                                             
major innovations are a) opening the
market for new entrants by secure and
privacy enabling third party cloud data
and energy management services, b)
actionable common and multilevel data
management and analytics services
for Smart Grids, and c) the use of co-
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