Page 46 - European Energy Innovation - Summer 2016 publication
P. 46
46 Summer 2016 European Energy Innovation
Integrated analysis and visualization for advanced construction
Buildings consume about 40% With the aid of geometric techniques, various areas of construction. It
of global energy and have we abstract spatially complex work helps to evaluate many alternatives
been a major target for energy sequences of multiple activities to for early project decisions, such as
and emission reductions. complete building element locations the quantity of major equipment,
While energy consumption during on BIM. We analyze this construction crews and project phasing that have
the construction stage has attracted model on BIM through a hybrid important implications for the rest of
less attention, due to its relatively simulation approach, where discrete- the project. Moreover, the approach
small percentage of the total life-cycle event simulation model for activity enables detailed project control during
consumption, major energy savings can sequences are unified with the agent- construction, frequently updating the
be obtained by improving efficiency based simulation model for resources. plan through progress monitoring,
in the construction process. Recent tracking energy use, and perform
technological developments, such as We developed a prototype software forecasts and updates as necessary.
building information models (BIM) called GSimX to implement this Another benefit of this detailed
promise major construction productivity modeling and simulation approach. analysis is better project logistics and
gains, supporting design-construction In this 3D platform, planners can interaction with project supply chains.
integration and improvements in import data from BIM and project
virtually all functions. However, there is schedule data from common software Model-based construction process
still a lack of effective process analysis packages, and interactively define analysis will lead to a more efficient use
tools for the construction stage using resources and their behaviour. Users of project resources. This will improve
BIM. Model-based, detailed, and realistic can generate method, sequence, and not only the timing and cost of the
analysis of construction projects is resource alternatives, and evaluate project, but also energy consumption
necessary to better evaluate alternatives performance, duration and cost results and greenhouse gas emissions
and to make high impact decisions as a combination of summary values, resources. l
whilst keeping the overall perspective of graphs, and 3D visualization. The
the project. platform supports extensions to define CONTACT DETAILS
new equipment and crews, update
BUILD-CYCLE project aims to improve resource behaviour and support new Project Coordinator:
the construction process analysis by construction scenarios. Dr. Ragip Akbas, Ozyegin University
providing a general purpose resource- Phone: +90 216 564 9381
integrated simulation platform on 3D Using this approach for integrated e-mail:
building information models. Moreover, planning and controls can benefit Website:
it aims to make this analysis easy and
extensible with parametric definition of
the process. To that end, it combines
several new approaches.
One of the major roles of construction
management on site is defining and
orchestrating resources. Labour
crews use various tools, equipment,
and materials to perform the work.
Site supervision directs crews and
equipment to perform tasks in a
specific sequence and at a specific
target production rate. To reflect this
type of construction resources, we
built an agent-based simulation model
for resources, where each individual
crew and major equipment is an agent
with specific goals and policies. By
providing simple and natural policies
for resources, realistic construction
practices can be achieved.