Page 66 - European Energy Innovation - Summer 2016 publication
P. 66
66 Summer 2016 European Energy Innovation
Heat Transition and Geothermal
Energy – A German Perspective
By Dr Martin Sabel, Bundesverband Wärmepumpe (BWP) e.V.
I n December 2015, the world transition (Energiewende) targets are Fossil fuels can play no more role in any
nations reached the historic ambitious. Beside the decision to phase energy sector.
agreement that global warming out nuclear power there is a political
should be limited to 2°C, even less consensus to reduce greenhouse The discussion of the challenges
if possible. G7 countries had already gases by 80-95 % until 2050 compared and chances of the German energy
set out on the path to a carbon-free to 1990. These goals are in accordance transition has been dominated by
economy several months before. with the EU strategy for the transition to questions around the expansion of
Consequent action has to be taken a competitive, secure and sustainable renewable electricity and the electricity
in order to fulfil these commitments. energy system by 2050. The conclusion grid during the past years. In 2015,
Germany´s climate and energy of all this is as simple as it is inevitable: renewable energy covered more than
A drill site showing the rig, the
container for cuttings and a
compressor in the background.