Page 68 - European Energy Innovation - Summer 2016 publication
P. 68
68 Summer 2016 European Energy Innovation
Large GSHP can provide energy for systems. In addition, there are no laws numbers for GSHP have been dropping
conventional district heating networks. that require building owners to lower for some time now: from 34,500 in
New buildings equipped with GSHP their energy demand or use renewables. 2008 to 17,000 in 2015. Today, they
easily fulfil EEWärmeG and EnEV To compensate for this lack of legal only make up a mere third of the
requirements. The MAP offers grants obligations, the MAP offers up to 9,300 German heat pump market and their
of at least 4,500 Euro for buyers of EUR if a highly efficient GSHP replaces share of the 710,000 heating systems
efficient GSHP if a new borehole heat an old fossil boiler. sold in 2015 is negligible.
exchanger is installed.
There are 330,000 GSHP in Germany. The main reason why the heat pump
The challenges to use renewable That may seem a lot, yet it is only a market is stagnating are energy prices:
energy in the existing stock of more fraction of all heating systems in our Heating oil prices have dropped to
than 20 million existing buildings are far 20 million buildings. Studies suggest, 5,8 Cent/kWh, gas prices remain
greater. Existing buildings usually have a 30% of Germany’s buildings must be stable at 7,1 Cent/kWh, yet electricity
relatively high energy demand and they equipped with GSHP in 2050 if climate prices have risen to 21,5 Cent/kWh.
are dominated by gas-fired and oil-fired goals are to be met. Unfortunately, sale As a result, many people would save
Ground source heat pumps
combined with borehole heat exchangers
can be used for heating in wintertime (left
part) and for efficient passive cooling in
summertime (right part)