Page 8 - European Energy Innovation - Summer 2016 publication
P. 8

8 Summer 2016 European Energy Innovation

FP7– project: INCREASE

The significant rise in distributed
renewable energy sources (DRES) has
placed an enormous burden on the
secure operation of the electrical grid,
impacting both the transmission system
operators (TSOs) and distribution
system operators (DSOs). The massive
increase of the intermittent DRES in
low (LV) and medium (MV) networks
has led to a bidirectional power flow,
which raises the urgent need for new
operational and control strategies
in order to maintain the ability of
the system operator to provide
the consumers a reliable supply of
electricity at an acceptable power
quality level.

Technically, INCREASE focuses on how      INCREASE inverter at the Testfield on
to manage renewable energy sources        distributed generation – Lemcko, UGent
in LV and MV networks, to provide
ancillary services (towards DSOs,         required. This service layer is the third     The INCREASE simulation platform
but also TSOs), in particular voltage     level in the INCREASE approach. It            enables the validation of the proposed
control and the provision of reserve.     solves a multi-objective optimisation         solutions and provides the DSOs with
INCREASE investigates the regulatory      problem by combining and extending            a tool they can use to investigate the
framework, grid code structure and        optimisation strategies and results in        influence of DRES on their distribution
ancillary market mechanisms, and          flexible energy products to provide            network. The INCREASE solutions will
proposes adjustments to facilitate        Ancillary Services with them. The DSO         also be validated (i) by lab tests, as well
successful provisioning of ancillary      always needs to have control over the         as (ii) in four field trials in the real-life
services that are necessary for the       grid in order to prevent that the DR          operational distribution network of
operation of the electricity grid,        and DRES schedules worsen the supply          Energienetze Steiermark in Austria, of
including flexible market products.        security. For this purpose, a Traffic          Eandis in Belgium, of Elektro Gorenjska
                                          Light System (TLS) is used that gives the     in Slovenia, and of Liander in the
INCREASE proposes a three level           DSOs the ultimate control over the DR         Netherlands. ●
approach. The first level only uses        unit schedules.
local parameters (voltage at the point
of connection, exchanged power) for       INCREASE enables DRES and loads               CONTACT DETAILS
the control. This is a fast control that  to go beyond just exchanging power  
will mitigate the voltage unbalance (at   with the grid, which enables the DSO
the LV network) and uses P-V droops       to evolve from congestion manager             Dr. ir. Bart Meersman:
to achieve soft curtailment to solve the  to capacity manager. This will result
overvoltage problem (at the LV and MV     in a more efficient exploitation of the
network). The first level control ensures  current grid capacity, thus facilitating      Mag. Andreas Türk, MBA:
the reliability and stability of the      higher DRES penetration at reduced  
system. The second level control will     cost. Because of the more efficient use
result in an optimal system and aims to   of the existing infrastructure, grid tariffs
minimise the loss of renewable energy.    could decrease, potentially resulting in
This second level control is achieved     a lower cost for the consumers.
by a multi-agent aggregator concept
and consists of fair power sharing, the
coordination of OLTC control and PV
inverters to solve (current and voltage)
congestion. In order for the DSO to
evolve from congestion manager to
capacity manager, a service layer is

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