Page 11 - European Energy Innovation - Summer 2016 publication
P. 11
Summer 2016 European Energy Innovation 11
should have the interests of EU citizens through practices of energy self-
at its core and the energy transition production and increased initiatives
should result in a more decentralised towards energy-efficiency. This includes
and democratic energy system - reducing the administrative barriers to
benefiting society as a whole. That is self-generation capacity and replacing
why I am particularly pleased that this lengthy authorisation procedures with
year’s EU Sustainable Energy Week will simpler notification requirements.
focus on consumers. It also means promoting the
development of demand-response and
More immediately, in July smart technologies while making sure
the Commission presented a that the most vulnerable and those who
Communication entitled ‘Delivering do not have easy access to information
a New Deal for Energy Consumers’, or technology are not left behind.
underlining the key issues facing our
retail energy markets and the obstacles All these changes are underpinned by
consumers face as the energy sector my desire to tackle and address the
transforms throughout Europe. growing problem of energy poverty
throughout Europe. Currently over
Five years after the Third Energy 50 million citizens in Europe struggle
Package, its aim of providing a truly to pay their energy bills and it is our
competitive and consumer-friendly collective responsibility to assist them.
retail market has not yet been realised. In 2016, no one should have to choose
Consumers are still paying too much between heating, cooling and eating.
for their energy bills and are stuck on I believe that we can only bring down
outdated and expensive tariffs. We energy bills if we coordinate our efforts
need to fight for more transparency at regional, national and European
and clarity on bills whilst making it levels. Recently, in the Anti-Poverty
easier for all consumers, including Target Report, the European Parliament
those who do not have access to called on the Commission to develop a
the internet, to compare offers and common definition of energy poverty.
switch energy suppliers free of charge. We are now waiting for action from
Similarly, we need to fight for a ban on the Commission and suggestions in
unfair commercial practices, including the upcoming legislative package,
aggressive marketing techniques over including in the Energy Efficiency
the phone and on the doorstep, often Directive, Energy Performance of
targeted at the most vulnerable and our Buildings Directive and Energy Market
elderly citizens. Design.
To be successful, Europe needs The next step is to ensure that the
to continue the transition from a Parliament’s recommendations are
centralised system based on fossil incorporated into all the relevant
fuels to one which is decentralised, upcoming legislative texts - thus
flexible and increasingly based on ensuring a genuine New Deal for
renewables. We need to make sure that citizens. In 2016, we must ensure that
citizens directly benefit and believe consumers are central to the energy
that consumers should be supported transition and empowered throughout
to take ownership of this transition the process of change. l