Page 16 - European Energy Innovation - Summer 2016 publication
P. 16
16 Summer 2016 European Energy Innovation
Carbon capture from
renewable energy
As one of the major initiatives encompassed by Oslo’s new climate and energy action plan, Klemetsrud
plant is currently undergoing a test program for establishment of at least one full-scale plant for CO2
capture by 2020.
The Klemetsrud Plant is one • It’s located relatively close to Oslo CONTACT DETAILS
of Eastern Norway’s larg¬est Harbour, and boat transport of liquid
land-based industrial CO2 from Oslo Harbour will be Kjell Henrik Olsen
companies, and a major feasible. CMO
point source for CO2 emissions from Klemetsrudanlegget AS (KEA)
biological materials. Never¬theless, • A Norwegian pilot plant could pave (+47) 904 77 115
significant CO2 emissions from the the way for greater emphasis on Resepsjon/Switchboard:
process still remain. CCS in tendering procedures and (+47) 815 000 53
criteria, and for future requirements
A Carbon capture and Storage (CCS) regarding CCS at waste-to-energy
initiative can significantly contribute plants within the EU.
to reducing these greenhouse gas
emissions. When CO2 is drawn from IMPACT ON AIR AND WATER
the air and deposited, the emissions Klemetsrud plant meets very strict
are reduced to less than neutral, going environmental requirements in
from plus to minus in the emission its operations, in fact stricter than
calculation. Then the so called “carbon the requirements imposed by the
negativity” is achieved. authorities. This, combined with an
ongoing upgrade of the facilities, result
Oslo has a unique opportunity to in very low emissions to surrounding
further develop its status as a European air and water. Flue gas emanating from
pioneer in the area of environmental the incinerators at Klemetsrud undergo
and climate efforts, and to have a an extensive cleaning process involving
leading role in the development of several stages, in order to ensure the
technology related to the capture and proper removal of all pollutants and
storage of CO2 emissions from waste- the lowest possible emissions. After the
to-energy plants. Carbon capture from thorough cleaning process, the smoke
renewable energy contributes toward a that emanates from the chimney is
more sustainable waste management, 99.78% pure water vapour.
as well as a green circular economy and
can potentially increase the sustainable EFFICIENT WASTE MANAGEMENT
performance of the Klemetsrud plant. Overall, the plant contributes to the
environment by processing residual
Some of the reasons that made waste that may otherwise end up at
Klemetsrud an ideal candidate for a landfill sites and converting it into
CCS project are: eco-friendly energy. A major advantage
of the source-sorting system utilized
• The plant will be in operation by the plant is that bags with different
continuously throughout the year, types of waste can all be dumped into
and will still be operating after 40 the same bin and transported in the
years, even if ownership changes same vehicle to the waste management
hands over time. It therefore plant. This further reduces CO2
provides an excellent base for emissions on transport and saves
technological development. space in urban areas, since it becomes
unnecessary to have several different
• The plant provides flexible energy, waste containers for the various waste
supplying both heat and electricity. categories. l